2000.09 - 2005.07 研究生 博士学位 哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程专业
1996.09 - 2000.07 本科 学士学位 武汉理工大学 市政工程专业
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pg麻将胡了模拟器链接-pg电子赏金女王模拟器试玩 > 师资队伍 > 教师 > 水质与水生态研究中心 > 正文
2000.09 - 2005.07 研究生 博士学位 哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程专业
1996.09 - 2000.07 本科 学士学位 武汉理工大学 市政工程专业
2019.12 - 至今 清华大学环境学院 长聘教授
2015.01 - 2019.11 中科院生态环境研究中心 研究员
2009.03 - 2014.12 中科院生态环境研究中心 副研究员
2005.07 - 2009.03 中科院生态环境研究中心 助理研究员
2020.11 - 至今,science of the total environment, 客座编辑
2018.08 - 至今,blue-green systems, 编委
2018.03 - 至今,resources, conservation & recycling, 编委
2018.10 - 至今,中国环境科学学会青年科学家分会, 副主任委员
2016.01 - 2018.10,国际水协(iwa)中国青年委员会, 主席
2015.06 - 2017.06,中国科学院青年联合委员会, 委员
2012.03 - 2016.01,国际水协iwa中国青年委员会, 副主席
1. 饮用水质净化与风险控制原理
2. 污泥资源化与风险控制
3. 典型行业废液处置与资源化
1. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目:“水中有毒无机物控制与资源化”,2020.01- 2024.12,主持。
2. 科技部重点研发计划项目课题:“就近取水-净水模式下的最安全供水技术与应用示范”, 2016.07-2020.06,主持。
3. 中国科学院重点部署项目课题:“典型行业废液资源化回收与污染控制技术及应用示范”,2016.01-2018.12,主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(延续资助项目):“高性能二维多孔金属有机骨架吸附剂制备与砷氟去除机理研究”,2018.01-2021.12,合作主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“有毒碳源胁迫下厌氧反硝化-氨氧化处置硝酸盐废液的微生物机制”,2018.01-2021.12,主持。
6. 中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目,2019年,主持。
7. 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员项目,2018年,主持。
8. 西藏昂曲宗通卡水利枢纽工程水体重金属处理专题项目,2018.10-2019.06,主持。
9. 陆浑水库东引水污染控制与水质综合改善项目,2018.10-2019.10,主持。
10. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金:“多价态复合氧化物除砷、除氟的微界面过程与工艺原理”,2014.01-2017.12,主持。
11. 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金:“高性能多维介孔金属有机骨架吸附剂制备与砷、氟去除机理研究”,2014.01-2015.12,合作主持。
12. 中国科学院,中国科学院青年促进会专项,2014.01-2017.12,主持。
13. 北京市科委,北京市科技新星计划,2013.01-2016.12,主持。
14. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“铝对氟络合吸附的形态调控机制及强化除氟原理”,2012.01-2015.12,主持。
15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“藻类胞内代谢物与净水剂形态匹配机制及强化凝聚/吸附去除原理”,2011.01-2013.12,主持。
16. “十二五”水专项子课题:“水体汞、砷污染控制与治理技术及工程示范:酸性高浓度含砷废水处理技术”,2011.01-2013.12,主持。
17. 国家科技部863重点项目课题:“高效除砷、氟材料制备和应用关键技术与工程示范”,2009.01-2012.12,主持。
18. “十一五”水专项子课题:“地下水源城市饮用水安全保障共性技术研究与示范:复合污染条件下含砷地下水强化除砷技术”,2009.01-2011.12,主持。
19. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“as(iii)/as(v)复合印迹吸附剂制备及其饮用水除砷机理研究”,2007.01-2009.12,主持。
20. national geographic: air and water conservation fund,development of innovative defluoridation technology and wide-spread application models for fluorosis control in rural areas,2015.01-2015.12,主持。
1. gu zhenao, an xiaoqiang, liu ruiping, xiong lunqiao, tang junwang, hu chengzhi, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui*. interface-modulated nanojunction and microfluidic platform for photoelectrocatalytic chemicals upgrading. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2021, 282, 119541.
2. qi zenglu, liu ruiping, tista prasai joshi, peng jianfeng*, qu jiuhui. highly efficient removal of selenite by electrolysis-assisted nano-zerovalent iron (nzvi): implication for corrosion and reduction. chemical engineering journal, 2021, 405, 126564.
3. bian jiyong, an xiaoqiang*, jiang wei, liu ruiping, hu chengzhi, liu huijuan. defect-enhanced activation of carbon nitride/horseradish peroxidase nanohybrids for visible-light-driven photobiocatalytic water purificatio. chemical engineering journal, 2021, 408, 127231.
4. liang he, liu ruiping, hu chengzhi, an xiaoqiang*, zhang xiwang, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. synergistic effect of dual sites on bimetal-organic frameworks for highly efficient peroxide activation. journal of hazardous materials, 2021, 406, 124692.
5. liang he, liu ruiping, an xiaoqiang, hu chengzhi*, zhang xiwang, liu huijuan. bimetal-organic frameworks with coordinatively unsaturated metal sites for highly efficient fenton-like catalysis. chemical engineering journal, 2021, 414, 128669.
6. miao shiyu, jin chao, liu ruiping*, bai yaohui, liu huijuan, hu chengzhi, qu jiuhui. microbial community structures and functions of hypersaline heterotrophic denitrifying process: lab-scale and pilot-scale studies. bioresource technology, 2020, 310, 123244.
7. miao shiyu, jin chao, liu ruiping*, bai yaohui, lan huachun liu huijuan, hu chengzhi, qu jiuhui. carbon harvesting from organic liquid wastes for heterotrophic denitrification: feasibility evaluation and cost and emergy optimization. resources conservation and recycling, 2020, 160, 104782.
8. yang min, wang jiaqi, liu ruiping*, hu chengzhi, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. development of amyloid-fibrils-like functional materials from both anaerobically digested sludge and waste activated sludge for heavy metal adsorption. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2020, 8 (21), 7795-7805.
9. liang he, li tianren, zhang jun, zhou dandan, hu chengzhi*, an xiaoqiang*, liu ruiping, liu huijuan. 3-d hierarchical ag/zno@cf for synergistically removing phenol and cr (vi): heterogeneous vs. homogeneous photocatalysis. journal of colloid and interface science, 2020, 558, 85-94.
10. rashmi koju, miao shiyu, luo jing, wang donglin, dev raj joshi, bai yaohui, liu ruiping, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui*. effects of 1-hydroxyethane-(1,1-bisphosphonic acid) on heterotrophic denitrification performance: impact of denitrifying microbial communities variation. chemical engineering journal, 2020, 402, 126210.
11. ma baiwen, xue wenjing, bai yaohui*, liu ruiping, chen wei, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. enhanced alleviation of ultrafiltration membrane fouling by regulating cake layer thickness with pre-coagulation during drinking water treatment. journal of membrane science, 2020, 596, 117732.
12. qi jing, lan huachun*, liu ruiping, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. efficient microcystis aeruginosa removal by moderate photocatalysis-enhanced coagulation with magnetic zn-doped fe3o4 particles. water research, 2020, 171, 115448.
13. li miao, yang yunfeng, lu yun, zhang dayi, liu yi*, cui xiaofeng, yang lei, liu ruiping, liu jianguo, li guanghe, qu jiuhui*. natural host–environmental media–human: a new potential pathway of covid-19 outbreak. engineering, 2020, 6 (10), 1085-1098.
14. zhang shaopeng#, jian meipeng#, zhang qi, xu rongming, qu jiuhui, luo xubiao, li xiuyu, hu jiukun, liu ruiping*, zhang xiwang*. recyclable printed circuit boards and alkali reduction wastewater: approach to a sustainable copper-based metal-organic framework. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2020, 8(3), 1371-1379.
15. zhang qi#, jian meipeng#, zhao pin, hu chengzhi*, qu jiuhui, li xiuyu, hu jiukun, liu ruiping, zhang xiwang*. a layered aluminum-based metal-organic framework as a superior trap for nitrobenzene capture: via an intercalation role. nanoscale, 2020, 12 (10), 6012-6019.
16. ma baiwen, xue wenjing, bai yaohui*, liu ruiping, chen wei, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. enhanced alleviation of ultrafiltration membrane fouling by regulating cake layer thickness with pre-coagulation during drinking water treatment. journal of membrane science, 2020, 596, 117732.
17. xu rongming, ji qinghua, zhao pin, jian meipeng, xiang chao, hu chengzhi*, zhang gong, tang chaochun, liu ruiping, zhang xiwang*, qu jiuhui. hierarchically porous uio-66 with tunable mesopores and oxygen vacancies for enhanced arsenic removal. journal of materials chemistry a, 2020, 8 (16), 7870-7879.
18. ma baiwen #, ding yanyan #, wang bodong, qi zenglu, bai yaohui*, liu ruiping, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. influence of sedimentation with pre-coagulation on ultrafiltration membrane fouling performance. science of the total environment, 2020, 708 (15), 134671.
19. wang qiaojuan#, liang jinsong#, zhao chen, bai yaohui*, liu ruiping, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. wastewater treatment plant upgrade induces the receiving river retaining bioavailable nitrogen sources. environmental pollution, 2020, 263, 114478.
20. li jianfei, liu huijuan, lan huachun*, ji qinghua, an xiaoqiang, liu ruiping, qu jiuhui. a promising treatment method for cr(vi) detoxification and recovery by coupling fe0/fe3c/c fine powders and circulating fluidized bed. chemical engineering journal, 2020, 398, 125565.
21. hu wanchao #, liang jinsong #, ju feng, wang qiaojuan, liu ruiping, bai yaohui*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. metagenomics unravels differential microbiome composition and metabolic potential in rapid sand filters purifying surface water versus groundwater. environmental science and technology, 2020, 54 (8), 5197-5206.
22. wang jiaqi, hasaer b, yang min, liu ruiping, hu chengzhi*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. anaerobically-digested sludge disintegration by transition metal ions-activated peroxymonosulfate (pms): comparison between co2 , cu2 , fe2 and mn2 . science of the total environment, 2020, 713, 136530.
23. yang min, hasaer b, bai yaohui*, liu ruiping, hu chengzhi, qu jiuhui. using activated peroxymonosulfate by electrochemically generated feii for conditioning and dewatering of anaerobically digested sludge. chemical engineering journal, 2020, 391, 123603.
24. koju rashmi, miao shiyu, liang bin, dev raj joshi, bai yaohui*, liu ruiping, qu juihui. transcriptional and metabolic response against hydroxyethane-(1,1-bisphosphonic acid) on bacterial denitrification by a halophilic pannonibacter sp. strain dn. chemosphere, 2020, 252, 126478.
25. jian meipeng, qiu ruosang, xia yun, lu jun, chen yu, gu qinfen*, liu ruiping, hu chengzhi, qu jiuhui, wang huanting, zhang xiwang*. ultrathin water-stable metal-organic framework membranes for ion separation. science advances, 2020, 6 (23), 3998.
26. wang jiaqi, yang min, liu ruiping*, hu chengzhi, liu huijuan and qu jiuhui. anaerobically-digested sludge conditioning by activated peroxymonosulfate: significance of edta chelated-fe2 . water research, 2019, 160, 454-465.
27. qinghua ji, gong zhang, huijuan liu, ruiping liu*, jiuhui qu. field-enhanced nanoconvection accelerates electrocatalytic conversion of water contaminants and electricity generation. environmental science & technology, 2019, 53(5), 2713-2719.
28. zhenao gu, xiaoqiang an, huachun lan, yu tian, jinxing zhang, ruiping liu*, huijuan liu, jiuhui qu. microfluidic-enhanced 3-d photoanodes with free interfacial energy barrier for photoelectrochemical applications. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2019, 244, 740-747.
29. li ning, hu chengzhi, lan huachun, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan and qu jiuhui. enhanced production of in situ keggin al137 polymer by a combined fe-al coagulation process for the treatment of high alkalinity water. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2019, 7(10), 9544-9552.
30. li jianfei, lan huachun*, liu huijuan, zhang gong, an xiaoqiang, liu ruiping and qu jiuhui. intercalation of nanosized fe3c in iron/carbon to construct multifunctional interface with reduction, catalysis, corrosion resistance, and immobilization capabilities. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11(17), 15709-15717.
31. zhao pin, jian meipeng, zhang qi, xu rongming, liu ruiping *, zhang xiwang*, liu huijuan, a new paradigm of ultrathin 2d nanomaterials adsorbents in aqueous media: graphene and go, mos2, mxene and 2d mofs. journal of materials chemistry a, 2019, 7, 16598-16621.
32. zhang wei, zhang gong, ji qinghua*, liu huijuan, liu ruiping* and qu jiuhui. capillary-flow-optimized heat localization induced by an air-enclosed three-dimensional hierarchical network for elevated solar evaporation. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11(10), 9974-9983.
33. qi weixiao, zhang hua, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan and qu jiuhui. effects of different secondary biological treatment processes followed by flocculation and sand-filtration on subsequent dbps control from sewage treatment plants. separation and purification technology, 2019, 211, 81-89.
34. chengzhi hu, mengqi li, jingqiu sun, ruiping liu*, huijuan liu, jiuhui qu. nom fouling resistance in response to electric field during electro-ultrafiltration: significance of molecular polarity and weight. journal of colloid and interface science, 2019, 539, 11-18.
35. qi jing, lan huachun, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan and qu jiuhui. fe(ii)-regulated moderate pre-oxidation of microcystis aeruginosa and formation of size-controlled algae flocs for efficient flotation of algae cell and organic matter. water research, 2018, 137, 57-63.
36. zhu guibing*, wang shanyun, ma bin, wang xiaoxia, zhou jiemin, zhao siyan, liu ruiping. anammox granular sludge in low-ammonium sewage treatment: not bigger size driving better performance. water research, 2018, 142, 147-158.
37. xiao wang, gong zhang, xiaoning fu, chengzhi hu, ruiping liu, huijuan liu*, xiufang xu, jiuhui qu. aggregation and dissociation of aqueous al13 induced by fluoride substitution. environmental science & technology, 2017, 51(11), 6279-6287.
38. xiao wang, gong zhang, huachun lan, ruiping liu, huijuan liu*, jiuhui qu. preparation of hollow fe-al binary metal oxyhydroxide for efficient aqueous fluoride removal. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects., 2017,520,580-589.
39. xiaoqiang an, huachun lan*, ruiping liu, huijuan liu, jiuhui qu. light absorption modulation of novel fe2tio5 inverse opals for photoelectrochemical water splitting. new journal of chemisty, 2017, 41(16), 7966-7971.
40. joshi tista prasai, zhang gong, koju rashmi, qi zenglu, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. the removal efficiency and insight into the mechanism of para arsanilic acid adsorption on fe-mn framework. science of the total environment, 2017, 601,713-722.
41. hu chengzhi, sun jingqiu, wang shuqing, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. enhanced efficiency in ha removal by electrocoagulation through optimizing flocs properties: role of current density and ph. separation and purification technology, 2017, 175, 248–254.
42. tista prasai joshi, zhang gong, william a. jefferson, aleksandr v. perfilev, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. adsorption of aromatic organoarsenic compounds by ferric and manganese binary oxide and description of the associated mechanism. chemical engineering journal, 2017, 309, 577–587.
43. joshi tista prasai, zhang gong, cheng hanyang, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. transformation of para arsanilic acid by manganese oxide: adsorption, oxidation, and influencing factors. water research. 2017, 116, 126-134.
44. lan huachun, zhang gong, zhang hongwei, liu huijuan, liu ruiping*, qu jiuhui. solvothermal synthesis of bioi flower-like microspheres for efficient photocatalytic degradation of bpa under visible light irradiation. catalysis communications, 2017, 98, 9-12.
45. ma baiwen, wang xing, liu ruiping*, qi zenglu, william a. jefferson, lan huachun, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. enhanced antimony(v) removal using synergistic effects of fe hydrolytic flocs and ultrafiltration membrane with sludge discharge evaluation. water research, 2017, 121, 171-177.
46. ma baiwen, wang xing, liu ruiping*, william a. jefferson, lan huachun, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. synergistic process using fe hydrolytic flocs and ultrafiltration membrane for enhanced antimony(v) removal. journal of membrane science, 2017, 537, 93-100.
47. qi zenglu, joshi tista prasai, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan*, qu jiuhui. synthesis of ce(iii)-doped fe3o4 magnetic particles for efficient removal of antimony from aqueous solution. journal of hazardous materials, 2017, 329, 193-204.
48. song dean, cheng hanyang, liu ruiping*, qiang zhiming, he hong, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. enhanced oxidation of tetracycline by permanganate via the alkali-induced alteration of the highest occupied molecular orbital and the electrostatic potential. industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2017, 56 (16), 4703-4708.
49. zhang gong, xu xiufang, ji qinghua, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui, li jinghong*. porous nanobimetallic fe−mn cubes with high valent mn and highly efficient removal of arsenic (iii). acs applied materials & interfaces, 2017, 9 (17), 14868-14877.
50. lan huachun, mao ran, tong yating, liu yanzhen, liu huijuan, an xiaoqiang, liu ruiping*. enhanced electroreductive removal of bromate by a supported pd−in bimetallic catalyst: kinetics and mechanism investigation. environmental science & technology, 2016, 50(21),11872−11878.
51. jian meipeng, wang huan, liu ruiping*, qu jiuhui, wanga huanting, zhang xiwang*. self-assembled one-dimensional mno2@zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 nanostructures for highly efficient arsenite removal. environmental science nano, 2016, 3(5), 1186-1194.
52. lan huachun, he wenjing, wang aimin., liu ruiping*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui, huang c.p.*. an activated carbon fiber cathode for the degradation of glyphosate in aqueous solutions by the electro-fenton mode: optimal operational conditions and the deposition of iron on cathode on electrode reusability. water research, 2016, 105, 575-582.
53. ju jiawei, liu ruiping*, he zan, liu huijuan, zhang xiwang., qu jiuhui. utilization of aluminum hydroxide waste generated in fluoride adsorption and coagulation processes for adsorptive removal of cadmium ion. frontiers of environmental science & engineering in china, 2016, 10(3), 467-476.
54. qi zenglu, lan huachun, joshi tista prasai, liu ruiping*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. enhanced oxidative and adsorptive capability towards antimony by copper-doping into magnetite magnetic particles. rsc advances, 2016, 6(71), 66990-67001.
55. tian chuan, liu feng, bai yaohui, liu ruiping*, chen hu, wang bin, qu jiuhui. comparison of fe-mn enhanced coagulation and o3-bac for removing natural organic matter from source waters: a case study. desalination and water treatment, 2016, 57(20), 9101-9114.
56. liu ruiping, ju jiawei, he zan, hu chengzhi*, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. utilization of annealed aluminum hydroxide waste with incorporated fluoride for adsorptive removal of heavy metals. colloids and surfaces, a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2016, 504, 95-104.
57. liu ruiping, yang zhongchao, he ziliang, wu liyuan, hu chengzhi *, wu wenzhu, qu jiuhui. treatment of strongly acidic wastewater with high arsenic concentrations by ferrous sulfide (fes): inhibitive effects of s(0)-enriched surfaces. chemical engineering journal, 2016, 304, 986-992.
58. he zan, lan huachun*, gong weixin, liu ruiping, gao yuping, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui. coagulation behaviors of aluminum salts towards fluoride: significance of aluminum speciation and transformation. separation and purification technology, 2016, 165, 137-144.
59. lan huachun, liu xiaobin, liu huijuan, liu ruiping, hu chengzhi*, qu jiuhui. efficient nitrate reduction in a fluidized electrochemical reactor promoted by pd-sn/ac particles. catalysis letters, 2016, 146(1), 91-99.
60. qi jing, lan huachun, liu ruiping, miao shiyu, liu huijuan*, qu jiuhui. prechlorination of algae-laden water: the effects of transportation time on cell integrity, algal organic matter release, and chlorinated disinfection byproduct formation. water research, 2016,102, 221-228.
61. qi jing, lan huachun, miao shiyu, xu qiang, liu ruiping, liu huijuan*, qu jiuhui. kmno4–fe(ii) pretreatment to enhance microcystis aeruginosa removal by aluminum coagulation: does it work after long distance transportation? water research, 2016, 88, 127-134.
62. lan huachun, li jianfei, sun meng, an xiaoqiang, hu chengzhi, liu ruiping, liu huijuan, qu jiuhui*. efficient conversion of dimethylarsinate into arsenic and its simultaneous adsorption removal over fecx/n-doped carbon fiber composite in an electro-fenton process. water research, 2016, 100, 57-64.
63. qi jing, lan huachun*, liu huijuan, liu ruiping, miao shiyu, qu jiuhui. simultaneous surface-adsorbed organic matter desorption and cell integrity maintenance by moderate prechlorination to enhance microcystis aeruginosa removal in kmno4-fe(ii) process. water research, 2016, 105, 551-558.
1. huijuan liu,ruiping liu,jiuhui qu,gaosheng zhang. chaper 8:arsenic pollution: occurrence, distribution, and technologies. (wang, l. k. p., chen, j. p. hung, y. t. and shammas, n. k. “heavy metals in the environment”, crc press/taylor and francis group, 2009).
2. 曲久辉,刘锐平,胡春. 第9章:安全消毒新方法.(曲久辉等.饮用水安全保障技术原理.北京:科学出版社,2007).
1. 刘锐平, mohon shadhu khan tushar, md rahman saifu, 曲久辉*. 孟加拉国饮用水砷污染控制策略与方向. 环境工程学报, 2020, 8: 2075-2080.
2. 苗时雨, 毛振钢*, 刘锐平, 胡玖坤. 实验室废液降危减量化处理工艺与工程案例. 环境工程学报,2020, 14 (07): 1944-1949.
3. 梁贺, 刘锐平*, 安晓强, 刘会娟. 铁铜双金属有机骨架mil-101(fe,cu)活化双氧水降解染料性能. 环境科学,2020, 41 (10): 4607-4614.
4. 张琦, 梁贺, 范宇莹, 刘锐平*, 简美鹏*, 胡承志, 肖亚楠. 花状二维铜基卟啉气凝胶制备与气体吸附与分离性能研究. 环境科学学报,2020, 40 (08): 2977-2985.
5. 张少朋, 陈瑀, 白淑琴*, 刘锐平. 氯氧铁非均相催化过氧化氢降解罗丹明b. 环境科学, 2019, 40 (11): 270-275.
6. 胡万超, 赵琛, 王巧娟, 刘锐平, 柏耀辉*. 饮用水快速砂滤池优势微生物群落的代谢功能解析. 环境科学, 2019, 40 (08): 3604-3611.
7. 刘锐平. 饮用水氟污染控制原理与技术. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30 (01): 33-39.
1. liu huijuan, liu ruiping, tian chuan, jiang han, liu xiaoling, zhang ran, qu jiuhui*. removal of natural organic matter for controlling disinfection by-products formation by enhanced coagulation: a case study. separation and purification technology, 2012, 84(1), 41-45.
2. liu ruiping, wang hongjie , zhao xu , xiao shuhu, qu jiuhui*. microwave electrodeless lamp assisted catalytic degradation of x-grl with manganese dioxides: adsorption and manganese(iv) reductive dissolution effects. catalysis today, 2008, 139(1-2), 119-124.
1. 彭剑峰,莫华涛,刘锐平,刘会娟,曲久辉,一种黑臭水体修复药剂及其制备方法,中国,2020.11.06,zl201910130683.5.
3. 彭剑峰,莫华涛,刘锐平,兰华春,曲久辉,一种水样采集装置,中国,2019.11.22,zl201920119257.7.(实用新型)
5. 刘会娟,刘春雷,兰华春,刘锐平,曲久辉,一种具有楔形结构红色二氧化钛光电极及其制备与应用,中国,2019.04.16,zl201610244981.3.
6. 刘锐平,刘豹,兰华春,简美鹏,刘会娟,曲久辉,一种多维介孔金属有机骨架吸附剂及其应用,中国,2018.12.04,zl201410419401.0.
7. 刘锐平,简美鹏,王欢,刘豹,刘会娟,曲久辉,二氧化锰纳米线@多维介孔金属有机骨架吸附剂及其制备,中国,2018.02.23,zl201510890730.8.
8. 胡承志,张丽丽,刘锐平,兰华春,刘会娟,曲久辉,一种去除水中硝酸盐的装置,中国,2017.08.01,zl201621148642.7.(实用新型)
9. 刘锐平,齐增禄,兰华春,朱利军,刘会娟,曲久辉,一种吸附-超导磁分离除砷锑的磁性吸附剂及其制备方法,中国,2017.10.31,zl201510891129.0.
10. 刘会娟,张弓,张红伟,兰华春,刘锐平,曲久辉,一种基于刻蚀模板法制备的中空铁锰复合物材料及其应用,中国,2017.08.11,zl201510305385.7
11. 曲久辉,吉庆华,刘会娟,刘锐平,兰华春,叶辉,刘宴辉,一种去除水中重金属离子的电化学选择性膜及其制备方法和应用,中国,2017.03.22,zl201510128904.7.
12. 刘会娟,王思达,张弓,兰华春,刘锐平,曲久辉,一种纺丝固定化羟基铁材料及其在水处理中的应用,中国,2017.02.28,zl201510303414.6.
13. 曲久辉,马百文,王兴,刘锐平,刘会娟,兰华春,一种原位清洗超滤膜组件的装置,中国,2016.10.12,zl201620350480.9.(实用新型)
14. 曲久辉,孙猛,李景虹,刘会娟,刘锐平,一种同时还原铬氧化砷的电化学水处理方法,中国,2016.09.21,zl201510305104.8.
15. 胡承志,张宝锋,曲久辉,刘锐平,刘会娟,兰华春,孙境求,一种化学还原辅助电化学法去除水中六价铬的方法,中国,2016.08.24,zl201410404014.x.
16. 刘锐平,刘峰,刘会娟,柏耀辉,曲久辉,一种强化滤池去除饮用水中氨氮的反应器及其方法,2015.10.29,中国,zl201210518477.x.
17. 刘锐平,孙猛,曲久辉,兰华春,一种基于ph指示分级投加h2o2调控多级串联感应电芬顿的方法,2015.07.08,中国,zl201410256988.8.
18. 曲久辉,杨中超,刘锐平,朱利军,胡承志,武利园,一种高浓度含砷酸性废水处理方法及装置,中国,2015.04.01,zl201310157992.4.
19. 曲久辉,柏耀辉,周娜娜,梁劲松,刘锐平,胡承志,一种锰氧化细菌及其应用,中国,2015.02.11,zl201310255013.9.
20. 曲久辉,刘锐平,巩文信,刘会娟,兰华春,具有不同表面特征的活性铝氧化物除氟吸附材料及其制备方法和应用,2014.11.12,中国,zl201310112924.6
21. 曲久辉,田川,刘锐平,刘会娟,兰华春,一种在线测定处理水动态需氯量的设备及方法,中国,2014.11.12,zl201210360988.3.
22. 刘锐平,曲久辉,巩文信,刘会娟,兰华春,具有不同表面特征的活性铝氧化物除氟吸附材料的应用,2014.09.17,中国,zl201310113037.0.
23. 刘锐平,曲久辉,刘会娟,兰华春,巩文信,朱利军,基于铝基复合金属氧化物的除氟吸附材料的络合-吸附去除水中氟化物的方法,2014.07.09,中国,zl201210586732.4.
24. 曲久辉,俞文正,刘会娟,刘锐平,兰华春,李慧,过滤水的方法,中国,2014.06.25,zl201210560390.9.
25. 曲久辉,刘锐平,刘会娟,兰华春,巩文信,何赞,鞠佳伟,基于铝基复合氧化物的除氟吸附材料的络和-凝聚-吸附去除水中氟化物的方法,2014.06.18,中国,zl201210589752.7.
26. 曲久辉,刘锐平,刘会娟,兰华春,巩文信,何赞,徐进,基于络合-凝聚-吸附过程协同的去除水中氟化物的方法,2014.05.07,中国,zl201210586766.3
27. 曲久辉,梁金松,柏耀辉,胡承志,刘会娟,刘锐平,一种锰氧化复合菌系及其应用,中国,2014.04.30,zl201210549102.x.
28. 曲久辉,刘锐平,刘会娟,兰华春,田川,李杰,一种强化微界面吸附作用去除水中天然有机物的吸附凝聚方法,2014.03.06,中国,zl201010246890.6
29. 曲久辉,马敏,刘锐平,刘会娟,一种基于原位生成双混凝剂的预氧化-混凝除藻的方法,中国,2013.10.21,zl201210158046.7.
30. 曲久辉,田川,刘锐平,刘会娟,一种多点游离氯转化为氯胺的给水处理消毒工艺,中国,2013.10.02,zl201210164618.2.
31. 曲久辉,马敏,刘锐平,刘会娟,一种预氧化强化藻细胞混凝并控制藻细胞内有机物释放的方法,中国,2013.07.17,zl201210158949.5.
32. 曲久辉,刘锐平,刘会娟,刘峰,郭婷婷,去除饮用水中氨氮和有机物的一体化反应器及其方法,中国,2013.05.29,zl201110185211.3.
33. 刘锐平,曲久辉,兰华春,俞文正,郭婷婷,鞠佳伟,饮用水深度处理的反应器及其水厂深度处理饮用水的方法,2013.05.08,中国,zl201110250044.6.
34. 曲久辉,刘锐平,兰华春,刘会娟,俞文正,用于饮用水深度净化的反应器及饮用水深度净化的方法,中国,2013.01.30,zl201110185360.x.
35. jiuhui qu, huijuan liu, pengju lei, gaosheng zhang, ruiping liu, fangfang chang. method for making ferric and manganese binary oxide based adsorbent, data of patent: jun. 26, 2012; patent no.: us 8,207,087 b2.
36. 刘会娟,武骁宇,曲久辉,刘锐平,兰华春,一种赋磁二氧化硅气凝胶的制备方法,中国,2012.09.19,zl201110082810.2.
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