2000.10-2005.05 瓦赫宁根(wageningen)大学,社会科学学院环境政策组,博士
1999.09-2004.07 清华大学环境系,环境科学与工程,工学博士
1994.09-1999.07 清华大学环境系,环境科学与工程,工学学士
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2000.10-2005.05 瓦赫宁根(wageningen)大学,社会科学学院环境政策组,博士
1999.09-2004.07 清华大学环境系,环境科学与工程,工学博士
1994.09-1999.07 清华大学环境系,环境科学与工程,工学学士
2013.12-至今 清华大学环境学院,教授
2008.12-2013.12 清华大学环境学院,副研究员
2006.07-2008.12 清华大学环境科学与工程系,讲师
2006.08-2006.10 奥地利国际应用系统分析研究所,博士后研究员
2004.07-2006.06 清华大学环境科学与工程系,博士后
兼任中国环境科学学会青年科学家委员会主任委员、环境影响评价专业委员会副主任委员,环境规划专业委员会副主任委员,中国土木工程学会水工业分会副理事长,中国城镇供水排水协会副会长等。担任environmental impact assessment review, sustainability science, 以及《环境科学》、《中国环境管理》、《环境影响评价》期刊编委。
1. 2020.2-2021.1,新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情环境风险防控研究,国家重点研发计划(项目编号:2020yfc0842500),技术组副组长
2. 2020.1-2023.12,基于居民消费的城市家庭水-能耦合系统高时空精度模拟,国家自然科学基金(批准号:71974110),项目负责人
3. 2020.5-2020.12,区域和行业重大发展战略环境评价重点问题研究,生态环境部,项目负责人
4. 2020.3-2020.9,雄安新区“三线一单”编制研究,雄安新区生态环境局,项目负责人
5. 2019.8-2020.9,河北省“三线一单”编制研究,河北省生态环境厅,项目负责人
6. 2018.5-2018.12,基于流域水质改善的固定源水环境管理制度建设与技术研究,生态环境部规划院,项目负责人
7. 2018.1-2021.12,基于自底向上方法的京津冀工业系统水-能-污染物协同效应研究,自然科学基金(批准号:71774096),项目负责人
8. 2018.1-2019.12,长江经济带战略环境评价,技术总体组成员、专题负责人,生态环境部重大财政专项
9. 2017.2-2017.12,空间规划的环境管控机制研究,项目负责人,生态环境部战略环评参与综合决策项目
10. 2017.2-2017.12,重大环保基础设施在空间规划中的协调性研究,项目负责人,生态环境部战略环评参与综合决策项目
11. 2017.1-2018.12,基于大数据的北京市环境噪声模拟关键技术研究,北京市自然科学基金(批准号:8172027),项目负责人
12. 2016.12-2020.12,粮食与食品双安全战略下的自然资源持续利用与环境治理(批准号:2016yfe0103100),国家重点研发计划项目-中荷政府间合作,课题负责人
13. 2015.2-2018.12,城市水污染控制与水环境综合整治技术集成(2014zx07323001),项目负责人,“十二五”水体污染控制与治理重大科技专项城市主题集成课题
14. 2015.9-2017.12,连云港市战略环境评价及三线一单编制,连云港市政府,环保部地市级战略环评、三线一单编制试点项目
15. 2015.1-2017.12,京津冀区域战略环境评价,环保部重大财政专项,项目负责人
16. 2015.1-2018.12,基于水环境基础设施可持续性的城市空间增长模式研究,自然科学基金(项目批准号:71473148),项目负责人
1. wang, l., zhang, x., chen, s., meng, f., zhang, d., liu, y., ... & qu, j. (2021). spatial variation of dissolved organic nitrogen in wuhan surface waters: correlation with the occurrence of disinfection byproducts during the covid-19 pandemic. water research, 117138.
2. li, a., yuan, q., strokal, m., kroeze, c., ma, l., & liu, y. (2021). equality in river pollution control in china. science of the total environment, 777. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146105
3. li, t., liu, y.*, & bjerg, p. l. (2021). prioritization of potentially contaminated sites: a comparison between the application of a solute transport model and a risk-screening method in china. journal of environmental management, 281. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111765
4. wang, c., wang, j., liu, y.*, zhang, l., sun, y., & qu, j. (2021). less attention paid to waterborne sars-cov-2 spreading in beijing urban communities. frontiers of environmental science and engineering, 15(5). doi:10.1007/s11783-021-1398-2
5. wang, c., liu, y., chen, w. q., zhu, b., qu, s., & xu, m. (2021). critical review of global plastics stock and flow data. journal of industrial ecology.
6. zhao, s., liu, y., liu, y.*, & gong, m. (2021). development of water basin pollution emission inventory: a preliminary literature review and its implication for china. journal of water supply: research and technology - aqua, 70(1). doi:10.2166/aqua.2020.071
7. jia, n., dong, x., & liu, y.* (2020). modeling water quality to determine a safe distance between cities: a case study in china. journal of water supply: research and technology - aqua, 69(8), 833-843. doi:10.2166/aqua.2020.057
8. li, m., yang, y., lu, y., zhang, d., liu, y.*, cui, x., . . . qu, j. (2020). natural host–environmental media–human: a new potential pathway of covid-19 outbreak. engineering, 6(10), 1085-1098. doi:10.1016/j.eng.2020.08.010
9. lin, s., qi, y., yang, m., yang, q., yang, m., liu, y., & hu, q. (2020). source analysis of groundwater pollution in pinggu district of beijing using pca-som. research of environmental sciences, 33(6), 1337-1344. doi:10.13198/j.issn.1001-6929.2020.05.28
10. tong yindong; wang mengzhu; josep peñuelas; liu xueyan; hans w. paerl; james j. elser; jordi sardans; raoul-marie couture; thorjørn larssen; hu hongying; dong xin; he wei; zhang wei; wang xuejun; zhang yang; liu yi; zeng siyu zeng; kong xiangzhen; annette b. g. janssen; lin yan. (2020). improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions. proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, 117(21). doi:10.1073/pnas.1920759117
11. wang, c., xu, m., olsson, g., & liu, y.* (2020). characterizing of water-energy-emission nexus of coal-fired power industry using entropy weighting method. resources, conservation and recycling, 161. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104991
12. wang, z., li, w., li, y., qin, c., lv, c., & liu, y.* (2020). the "three lines one permit" policy: an integrated environmental regulation in china. resources, conservation and recycling, 163. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105101
13. wang, z., zhao, j., lin, s., & liu, y.* (2020). identification of industrial land parcels and its implications for environmental risk management in the beijing-tianjin-hebei urban agglomeration. sustainability (switzerland), 12(1). doi:10.3390/su12010174
14. zhang dayi; ling haibo; huang xia; li jing; li weiwei; yi chuan; zhang ting; jiang yongzhong; he yuninghe; deng songqiang; zhang xian; wang xinzi; liu yi; li guanghe; qu jiuhui. (2020). potential spreading risks and disinfection challenges of medical wastewater by the presence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) viral rna in septic tanks of fangcang hospital. science of the total environment, 741. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140445
15. zhao, s., liu, y.*, liang, s., wang, c., smith, k., jia, n., & arora, m. (2020). effects of urban forms on energy consumption of water supply in china. journal of cleaner production, 253. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.119960
16. zhuge, c., yu, m., wang, c., cui, y., & liu, y.* (2020). an agent-based spatiotemporal integrated approach to simulating in-home water and related energy use behaviour: a test case of beijing, china. science of the total environment, 708. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135086
17. jia, n., sitzenfrei, r., rauch, w., liang, s., & liu, y. (2019). effects of urban forms on separate drainage systems: a virtual city perspective. water (switzerland), 11(4). doi:10.3390/w11040758
18. li, t., liu, y., lin, s., liu, y.*, & xie, y. (2019). soil pollution management in china: a brief introduction. sustainability (switzerland), 11(3). doi:10.3390/su11030556
19. li, t., liu, y.*, wang, c., olsson, g., wang, z., & wang, h. (2019). decentralization of the non-capital functions of beijing: industrial relocation and its environmental effects. journal of cleaner production, 224, 545-556. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.247
20. lin, l., chen, y. d., hua, d., liu, y., & yan, m. (2019). provincial virtual energy-water use and its flows within china: a multiregional input-output approach. resources, conservation and recycling, 151, 104486.
21. wang, c., lin, l., olsson, g., liu, y.*, & xu, m. (2019). the scope and understanding of the water–electricity nexus. resources, conservation and recycling, 150. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104453
22. wang, c., wang, r., hertwich, e., liu, y.*, & tong, f. (2019). water scarcity risks mitigated or aggravated by the inter-regional electricity transmission across china. applied energy, 238, 413-422. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.120
23. wang, h., dong, c., & liu, y.(2019). beijing direct investment to its neighbors: a pollution haven or pollution halo effect? journal of cleaner production, 239. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118062
24. cui, y., xie, x., & liu, y.* (2018). social media and mobility landscape: uncovering spatial patterns of urban human mobility with multi source data. frontiers of environmental science and engineering, 12(5). doi:10.1007/s11783-018-1068-1
25. smith, k., liu, y., wang, t., liu, s., & liu, y. (2018). city layout: a key to reducing energy use for water supply. resources, conservation and recycling, 138, 229-230. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.07.033
26. wang, c., li, y., & liu, y.* (2018). investigation of water-energy-emission nexus of air pollution control of the coal-fired power industry: a case study of beijing-tianjin-hebei region, china. energy policy, 115, 291-301. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.01.035
27. wang, c., olsson, g., & liu, y.* (2018). coal-fired power industry water-energy-emission nexus: a multi-objective optimization. journal of cleaner production, 203, 367-375. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.264
28. yu, m., wang, c., liu, y.*, olsson, g., & bai, h. (2018). water and related electrical energy use in urban households—influence of individual attributes in beijing, china. resources, conservation and recycling, 130, 190-199. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.11.004
29. yu, m., wang, c., liu, y.*, olsson, g., & wang, c. (2018). sustainability of mega water diversion projects: experience and lessons from china. science of the total environment, 619-620, 721-731. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.006
30. smith, k., liu, s., liu, y., liu, y., & wu, y. (2017). reducing energy use for water supply to china's high-rises. energy and buildings, 135, 119-127. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.11.033
31. wang, c., du, x., & liu, y.* (2017). measuring spatial spillover effects of industrial emissions: a method and case study in anhui province, china. journal of cleaner production, 141, 1240-1248. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.09.182
32. wang, c., wang, r., hertwich, e., & liu, y.* (2017). a technology-based analysis of the water-energy-emission nexus of china's steel industry. resources, conservation and recycling, 124, 116-128. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.04.014
33. yuan, q., mcintyre, n., wu, y., liu, y.*, & liu, y. (2017). towards greater socio-economic equality in allocation of wastewater discharge permits in china based on the weighted gini coefficient. resources, conservation and recycling, 127, 196-205. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.08.023
34. zeng, s., chen, x., dong, x., & liu, y. (2017). efficiency assessment of urban wastewater treatment plants in china: considering greenhouse gas emissions. resources, conservation and recycling, 120, 157-165. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.12.005
35. lu, c., & liu, y.* (2016). effects of china’s urban form on urban air quality. urban studies, 53(12), 2607-2623. doi:10.1177/0042098015594080
36. smith, k., liu, s., liu, y., savic, d., olsson, g., chang, t., & wu, x. (2016). impact of urban water supply on energy use in china: a provincial and national comparison. mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 21(8), 1213-1233. doi:10.1007/s11027-015-9648-x
37. wang, c., xie, d., & liu, y.* (2016). regional industrial growth and environmental impacts in the bohai sea rim region of china: uncertainty in location choice. regional environmental change, 16(5), 1363-1374. doi:10.1007/s10113-015-0863-5
38. sun, f., & liu, y.*. (2016). china’s ministry of environmental protection adopted draft amendment to the law on prevention and control of water pollution. frontiers of environmental science & engineering, 6(10), 1-2.
39. jia, n., dong, x., ning, x., & liu, y.* (2016). safe distance between cities based on the bp neural network water quality model: a study on wuhu and ma'anshan. china environmental science, 36(6), 1905-1912.
40. 汪自书, 谢丹, 李洋阳, 吕春英, 刘毅. “十四五”时期我国环境影响评价体系优化探讨[j]. 环境影响评价, 2021, 43(01): 7-12 16.
41. 么新, 熊天煜, 郭文婷, 陈思, 刘毅. 中国生态环境科技创新体系建设研究[j]. 中国环境管理, 2020, 12(06): 13-20.
42. 赵浩然, 赵书畅, 董欣, 曾思育, 刘毅. 固定源排放负荷测量的不确定性对河流断面氮磷模拟影响研究[j]. 环境影响评价, 2020, 42(06): 52-59.
43. 李淼, 杨云锋, 陆韻, 张大奕, 刘毅, 崔小凤, 杨蕾, 刘锐平, 刘建国, 李广贺, 曲久辉. 新冠病毒传播的可能路径:自然宿主—环境介质—人[j]. engineering, 2020, 6(10): 65-93.
44. 汪自书, 李王锋, 刘毅. “三线一单”生态环境分区管控的技术方法体系[j]. 环境影响评价, 2020, 42(05): 5-10.
45. 林斯杰, 齐永强, 杨梦曦, 杨庆, 杨梦凡, 刘毅, 胡清. 基于pca-som的北京市平谷区地下水污染溯源[j]. 环境科学研究, 2020, 33(06): 1337-1344.
46. 魏泽洋, 刘毅, 宫曼莉, 陈迪. 基于主体的建模方法在环境学科中的研究进展[j]. 中国环境管理, 2020, 12(01): 130-138.
47. 刘天石, 董欣, 刘雅玲, 佘佳, 贾滨洋, 郑菁, 刘毅. 基于水质目标的流域排放管控模式与案例研究[j]. 中国环境管理, 2019, 11(05): 82-87 60.
48. 梁珊, 邓羽, 贾宁, 刘毅.基于虚拟城市模型的城市形态对污水系统影响研究[j]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(03): 441-451.
49. 李洋阳, 汪自书, 刘毅, 李王锋, 李倩. 京津冀地区产城空间布局特征与人居风险评估[j]. 环境工程技术学报, 2019, 9(02): 194-200.
50. 李倩, 汪自书, 刘毅, 李王锋, 曾思育, 向伟玲, 许开鹏. 京津冀生态环境管控分区与差别化准入研析[j]. 环境影响评价, 2019,41(01): 28-33.
51. 王春艳, 田磊, 俞敏, 刘毅. 电力行业水-能耦合关系研究综述[j]. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(12): 4742-4748.
52. 李天魁, 刘毅, 谢云峰. 关闭搬迁企业地块风险筛查方法评估——基于epacmtp模型的研究[j]. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(10): 3985-3992.
53. 桂超, 张嘉琪, 刘毅. 京津冀地区活性氮通量核算与时空特征分析[j]. 环境影响评价, 2018, 40(05): 49-54.
54. 卢熠蕾, 孙傅, 曾思育, 刘毅. 基于适水发展分区的京津冀精细化水管理对策[j]. 环境影响评价, 2018, 40(05): 34-38.
55. 贾滨洋, 袁一斌, 王雅潞, 刘毅, 李玫. 特大型城市资源环境承载力监测预警指标体系的构建——以成都市为例[j]. 环境保护, 2018, 46(12): 54-57.
56. 李王锋, 吕春英, 汪自书, 刘毅. 地级市战略环境评价中“三线一单”理论研究与应用[j]. 环境影响评价, 2018, 40(03): 14-18.
57. 梁珊, 刘毅, 董欣. 中国排水系统现状及综合评价与未来政策建议[j]. 给水排水, 2018, 54(05): 132-140.
58. 李天魁, 刘毅, 王超然, 汪自书. 基于离散选择模型的北京市工业疏解环境影响[j]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(11): 1163-1169.
59. 张嘉琪, 王超然, 刘毅. 基于lmdi的长江中下游城市群污染排放强度分析[j]. 中国环境管理, 2017, 9(05): 64-68 76.
60. 张嘉琪, 王春艳, 宁雄, 刘毅. 长江中下游城市群“三大安全”水平分析[j]. 环境影响评价, 2017, 39(04): 31-35.
61. 崔一澜, 刘毅, 诸葛承祥. 城市居民生活能源消费研究进展综述[j]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2016, 26(12): 117-124.
62. 刘梦圆, 曾思育, 孙傅, 刘毅. 京津冀地区水生态系统服务演变规律及其驱动力分析[j]. 环境影响评价, 2016, 38(06): 36-40.
63. 邓羽, 贾宁, 刘毅. 北京“市府东移”背景下通州区城市扩展模拟与管控启示[j]. 城市发展研究, 2016, 23(10): 27-35.
64. 贾宁, 董欣, 宁雄, 刘毅. 基于bp神经网络水质模型的城市安全距离研究——以芜湖和马鞍山为例[j]. 中国环境科学, 2016, 36(06): 1905-1912.
65. 向伟玲, 王自发, 刘毅, 李天威, 王占朝. 云贵地区大气污染趋势分析及防控对策[j]. 环境影响评价, 2016, 38(01): 23-27.
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