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2010.9-2014.6  清华大学 环境学院 环境科学与工程博士

2018.9-2019.6  美国耶鲁大学 富布莱特学者

2012.7-2012.12  澳门大学访问研究

2012.3-2012.5  英国考文垂大学访问学者

2002.9-2005.6  西北农林科技大学 生命科学学院 环境工程硕士

1998.9-2002.7  西北农林科技大学 资源环境学院 环境生态学士


2021.5-  清华大学智库中心副主任(挂职)

2016.8-  清华大学环境学院副研究员

2019.12-  民盟清华大学委员会第二支部主委,其中2021年3月以后开始担任民盟清华大学委员会副主委

2014.7-2016.7 清华大学环境学院博士后

2008.1-2010.8 中国环境管理干部学院讲师/校民盟支部主委

2006.5-2007.12 中国环境管理干部学院助教

2005.7-2006.4 山东省科学院能源研究所研究实习员


1. 清华大学(2016-):“物质流分析及其应用(英文)”“工业生态学”“危险废物管理”“危险废物处理处置(英文)”

2. 中国环境管理干部学院(2006-2010年间):教学超过1000学时,主讲“水力学”“固体废物处理与处置”“化工工程”“专业英语”等课程

3. 2007-2008年间主持中国环境管理干部学院《固体废物处理与利用》校级精品课建设


1. 访问硕士生熊新,南昌大学,典型高端装备中关键金属的循环利用潜力评估,2021-2022

2. 硕士生ahawo immelda, examining the application of circular economy business models to a product case, 2019-2020

3. 硕士生albane bauby, on-site construction waste management: a case study of paris-ouest construction, 2019-2020

4. 本科生srt2019级丁怡娴,电子废物全过程管理的物质流分析及机理, 2020-2021

5. 本科生2017级肖勇之,基于物质流分析的中国煤焦油代谢研究,2020-2021

6. 本科生2017级廖俊林,固体废物中金属银资源的供给潜力评估研究,2020-2021

7. 硕士生2020级mahmoud bakry,中国典型关键金属矿产资源的消费废弃精准核算,2020-2023

8. 博士生 qudsia kanwal,工业废物环境资源交互属性评估(与李金惠教授合作指导),2018-2022

9. 本科生srt 2018级周昕桐,金属金全生命周期物质代谢及时空演化规律,2020-2021

10. 本科生srt 2017级廖俊林,金属银全生命周期物质代谢及时空演化规律,2020-2021

11. 本科生2016级弗兰西斯,含油污泥全过程管理的物质流演化特征研究,2019-2020

12. 硕士生marie fregonara, sustainable train stations: towards the development of ecological conception, 2018-2019

13. 本科生2015级冯婧,多源废锂电池协同资源化回收关键技术研究,2018-2019

14. 本科生2015级刘嘉辰,纯电动乘用车动力电池回收路径研究,2018-2019

15. 本科生srt 2017级肖童心,铜铝金属的自然矿产开发与城市矿产开发的经济性对比,2018-2019

16. 清华-耶鲁双硕士项目 eva albalghiti,铝再生资源的回收潜力及可回收性评估,2018-2019

17. 访问博士生(挪威奥斯陆大学), alice frantz schneider, e-waste management: from informal to formal manner, 2019.7-2019.12

18. 博士生disna eheliyagoda,铜铝金属资源承载力评估(与李金惠教授合作指导),2017-2021

19. 硕士生léna boztepe, hazardous chemicals in furniture: health implications in a circular economy context, 2017-2018

20. 访问硕士生(埃克斯特大学),robert pell,improving the environmental performance of rare earth production using a life cycle assessment approach,2018.2-2018.9

21. 硕士生张元林,钢结构产业资源效率评估及演化分析研究,2016-2018

22. 硕士生马谨瀚,重庆城市矿产示范基地运行评估及分析研究,2016-2018

23. 本科生2014级邝燿濠,香港地区城市矿产预测及分析,2017-2018

24. 本科生2014级扎西德吉,全球固体废物进出口格局及环境风险分析,2017-2018

25. 硕士生kévin le blevennec, integration of an efficient eco-design approach into current design process of complex and safety-critical systems, 2016-2017

26. 硕士生袁剑,建筑废物的资源化技术评估,2015-2017

27. 本科生srt 2014级 祖丽德孜,废锂离子电池负极材料与铜箔分离过程研究,2016-2017

28. 硕士生oms axel raymond georges,transitioning from feed-in-tariff to liberalized market: consequences and recommendations for a wind power and photovoltaic electricity company, 2015-2016

29. 硕士生boquet kathleen marine,management of sustainable neighborhood projects: what tools to ensure goals achievement? , 2015-2016

30. 博士后2015级 kumar awasthi,印度电子废物的回收及管理(与李金惠教授合作指导)

31. 硕士生2014级 孙玲玉,电子废物回收过程中污染控制(与李金惠教授合作指导)

32. 本科生srt 2011级 张辰,我国铅资源利用及资源潜力的评价(与李金惠教授合作指导)


1. 期刊humanities and social sciences communications副编辑(2019.9-)

2. 中国生态经济学会区域生态经济专业委员会 副主任委员(2020.1-)

3. 期刊journal of cleaner production 学术编委(2020.1-)

4. 中国环境科学学会循环经济分会秘书长(2017-)

5. 中国环境科学学会固体废物分会专家委员(2009-)








1. 中日报废汽车资源潜力和城市代谢机制的精准评估(2021.4.1-2023.3.31),清华大学自主科研国际合作专项(日本东北大学)第一批项目,15万元,主持

2. 关键金属矿产资源的产业链分析与贸易政策(2021.1-2023.12),国家自然科学基金项目重大研究计划(92062111),56万元,主持

3. 资源高效利用制度研究(2020.10-2020.12),国家发展改革委环资2020年度循环经济专项(2020-xhjj-10). 15万元,主持

4. 固体废物环境资源交互属性影响规律研究(2018.12-2022.12),国家重点研发计划固废资源化专项课题(2018yfc1900101). 410万元,主持

5. 典型战略性资源可持续供给路径研究(2020.1-2023.12),国家重点研发计划固废资源化专项子课题(2019yfc1908501). 74万元,主持

6. 铜铝金属资源承载力及循环利用潜力评估(2018.6-2019.6),国际铜金属协会. 60万元,主持

7. “转型亚洲”(switch-asia)ii期循环经济政策培训班(2019.10-2019.12). 联合国环境署赠款项目(s1-32cpl-000297),4.2万美元,主持

8. 湖北省生态文明建设战略研究(2018.7-2019.12),中国工程科技发展战略湖北研究院咨询研究项目. 100万元,副组长(钱易院士主持)

9. 典型固体废物管控的环境责任评估(2018.8-2020.7),清华大学亚洲研究中心. 4.8万元,主持

10. 2018-2019年度中美富布赖特研究学者项目,美国国务院、中国教育部, 主持.

11. 第七届东亚研究型大学协会环境研讨会:资源流动及其环境效应(2018),日本东亚研究型大学协会, 主持.

12. 中国典型储能金属资源承载力的评估研究(2017-2018),国土资源部资源环境承载力评价重点实验室(cca2017.12), 主持.

13. 城市矿产中资源的回收潜力评估及政策(2017),清华大学环境学院重点学术机构开放基金课题, 主持.

14. 短程高效回收废锂离子电池中有色金属的技术及机理研究(2016),中国博士后科学基金特别资助(2016t90104), 主持.

15. 基于闭环供应链理论的典型能源金属的资源承载力评估(2015-2016),中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2015m571056), 主持.

16. 基于闭环供应链分析的中国能源金属的资源承载力评估(2014-2017),国家自然科学基金(7137313), 执行.

17. 废旧电子电器资源化过程污染控制及资源化产品环境安全控制技术研究(2014-2017),国家科技支撑计划(2014bac03b04), 核心参与.

18. 澳门机动车排放与电子废弃物污染防治技术与示范(2010-2012),科技部863项目(2009aa06z304),核心参与.

19. 机械活化强化废显示器锥玻璃中铅浸出机制研究(2012-2015),国家自然科学基金(21177069), 参与.

20. 基于分散式信息服务管理的全球回收和生态友好电子设备网络(2011-2014),欧盟第7框架人力资源项目fp7-people-2010-irses (269122) , 参与.

24. 中欧城市废物管理能力建设网络(2006-2007),欧盟第6框架asia pro eco ii项目, 核心参与.


1. 2021年1月:第三批国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才

2. 2020年9月:第七届中国管理科学学会管理科学奖学术奖

3. 2020年9月:清华大学2020年招生工作“优秀招生新人”称号

4. 2020年6月:2019年度清华大学继续教育优秀项目一等奖

5. 2020年3月:国家自然科学基金管理学部面上项目结题绩效考核评估“特优”

6. 2019年11月:中国环境保护产业协会2019年度环境技术进步奖一等奖

7. 2018年8月:美国富布赖特学者

8. 2014年7月:清华大学优秀博士学位论文奖



1. xianlai zeng, tongxin xiao, guochang xu, eva albalghiti, guijuan shan, and jinhui li*. comparing the costs and benefits of virgin and urban mining. journal of management science and engineering, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.jmse.2021.05.002

2. qudsia kanwal, xianlai zeng, and jinhui li*. drivers-pressures-state-impact-response framework of hazardous waste management in china. critical reviews in environmental science and technology, 2021, doi: 10.1080/10643389.2021.1902225(同为第一作者)

3. 张元林, 张上, 李金惠, 曾现来*. 中国钢结构建筑的物质流分析评估. 资源科学, 2021, 43(3)

4. francesca dal mas, xianlai zeng, qifei huang, jinhui li*. quantifying material flow of oily sludge in china and its implications. journal of environmental management, 2021, 287, 112115.

5. xianlai zeng* and jinhui li*. emerging anthropogenic circularity science: principles, practices, and challenges. iscience, 2021, 24, (1), 102237.

6. xianlai zeng*, saleem h. ali, and jinhui li. estimation of waste outflows for multiple product types in china from 2010-2050. scientific data, 2021. 8, (1), 15.

7. 曾现来.《物质流分析及其应用》新形态教材建设与实践探索, 2020 新时代高校环境教学改革与创新研讨会, 上海, 2020; 新时代高校环境教学改革与创新研讨会组委会, 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2020; pp 29-33.

8. 张安迎; 童昕; 曾现来. 中国报废汽车中铂族金属回收潜力估算. 中国环境科学 2020, 40, (11), 4821-4830.

9. 曾现来. 中国典型高端装备循环利用潜力评估及政策指示, 面向增材制造与新一代信息技术的高端装备工程管理国际论坛, 2020; 中国陕西西安, 2020, 9.23-24; 116-121.

10. disna eheliyagoda, xianlai zeng, and jinhui li*. a method to assess national metal criticality: the environment as a foremost measurement. humanities and social sciences communications 2020, 7(1), 43

11. 袁剑; 曾现来*; 陈明. 基于灰色系统理论的济南市建筑废物产量预测. 中国环境科学 2020, 40(9): 3894-3902

12. kathleen boquet, charline froitier, jinhui li, kaihua xu, and xianlai zeng*, eco-districts in france: what tools to ensure goals achievement? science china earth sciences 2020, 63(6), 865-874.

13. xianlai zeng, saleem h. ali, jinping tian, and jinhui li*. mapping anthropogenic mineral generation in china and its implications for a circular economy. nature communications 2020, 11, (1), 1544.

14. disna eheliyagoda, fan wei, guijuan shan, eva albalghiti, xianlai zeng*, and jinhui li*. examining the temporal demand and sustainability of copper in china. environmental science & technology 2019, 53 (23), 13812-13821

15. pell, r.*; wall, f.; yan, x.; li, j.; xianlai zeng, mineral processing simulation based-environmental life cycle assessment for rare earth project development: a case study on the songwe hill project. journal of environmental management 2019, 249, 109353.

16. 林民松; 刘丽丽; 曾现来; 李金惠*. 县域生态文明建设模式研究——以江西婺源为例. 中国工程科学 2019, 21(5), 81-86.

17. disna eheliyagoda, xianlai zeng*, zhishi wang, and jinhui li*. forecasting the temporal stock generation and recycling potential of metals towards a sustainable future: the case of gallium in china. science of the total environment 2019, 689, 332-340.

18. fang, s.; tao, t.; cao, h.; he, m.; zeng, x.; ning, p.; zhao, h.; wu, m.; zhang, y.; sun, z., comprehensive characterization on ga (in)-bearing dust generated from semiconductor industry for effective recovery of critical metals. waste management 2019, 89, 212-223.

19. 扎西德吉, 曾现来, 赵娜娜, 李金惠*. 中国固体废物进出口格局演化分析——以废纸为例. 中国环境管理, 2019, 11(2), 33-38.

20. pell, r.*; wall, f.; yan, x.; li, j.; zeng, x.. temporally explicit life cycle assessment as an environmental performance decision making tool in rare earth project development. minerals engineering 2019, 135, 64-73.

21. kuong, i. h.; li, j.; zhang, j.; zeng, x.*, estimating the evolution of urban mining resources in hong kong, up to the year 2050. environmental science & technology 2019, 53, (3), 1394-1403.

22. pell, r.*; tijsseling, l.; palmer, l. w.; glass, h. j.; yan, x.; wall, f.; zeng, x.; li, j.. environmental optimisation of mine scheduling through life cycle assessment integration. resources, conservation and recycling 2019, 142, 267-276.

23. 刘晓红; 李甜甜; 曾现来, 核桃果皮基磁性固体酸催化剂的制备及其催化性能研究. 中国环境科学 2018, 38, (11), 4205-4210.

24. zeng, x.; xu, m.; li, j.*. examining the sustainability of china’s nickel supply: 1950–2050. resources, conservation and recycling 2018, 139, 188-193.

25. 祖丽德孜, 李金惠, 曾现来*. 短程高效回收废锂离子电池中铜金属的技术及机理研究. 中国科学: 技术科学 2018, 48 (9), 991-998.

26. 曾现来, 袁剑, 李金惠*, 单桂娟. 循环经济的生态学理论基础分析. 中国环境管理干部学院学报 2018, 28(3), 26-29, 49.

27. duan, h.*; miller, t. r.; liu, g.*; x. l. zeng; yu, k.; huang, q.*; zuo, j.; qin, y.; li, j., a chilling prospect: climate change effects of mismanaged refrigerants in china. environmental science & technology 2018, 52(11), 6350-6356.

28. x. l. zeng; j. a. mathews*; j. li*, urban mining of e-waste is becoming more cost-effective than virgin mining. environmental science & technology 2018, 52(8), 4835-4841.

29. d. jiang*; w.-q. chen*; x. l. zeng; l. tang, dynamic stocks and flows analysis of bisphenol a (bpa) in china: 2000-2014. environmental science & technology 2018, 52(6), 3706-3715.(和第一作者同等贡献)

30. 曾现来, 李金惠*. 城市矿山开发及其资源调控:特征、可持续性和开发机理. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2018, 48(3), 288-298.

31. x. y. zeng, h. x. zheng, r. y. gong, d. eheliyagoda, x. l. zeng*. uncovering the evolution of substance flow analysis of nickel in china. resources, conservation and recycling. 2018, 135, 210-215. (sci/ei)

32. 曾现来, 闫晓宇, 张宇平, 缪友萍, 李金惠*. 中国资源的进出口与产出率:演化、挑战及对策. 自然资源学报, 2018, 33(4): 552-562.

33. c. r. yang, q. y. tan, x. l. zeng, y. p. zhang, z. s. wang, j. h. li. measuring the sustainability of tin in china. science of the total environment, 2018, 635, 1351-1359.

34. awasthi, a. k.; cucchiella, f.; d'adamo, i.; li, j.; rosa, p.; terzi, s.; wei, g.; x. l. zeng*, modelling the correlations of e-waste quantity with economic increase. science of the total environment 2018, 613-614, 46-53.

35. chen, m.; ogunseitan, o. a.; duan, h.; x. l. zeng; li, j., china e-waste management: struggling for future success. resources, conservation and recycling 2018, 139, 48-49.

36. x. l. zeng, c. yang, j. f. chiang, and j. h. li*. innovating e-waste management: from macroscopic to microscopic scales. science of the total environment 2017, 575: 1-5.

37. 于淼, 张宇平, 李金惠*, 缪友萍, 曾现来*. 国际电子废物管理进展及分析. 环境保护, 2017, 45(622), 31-35.

38. x. l. zeng, f. wang, j. h. li*, and r. y. gong. a simplified method to evaluate the recycling potential of e-waste j. clean prod. 2017, 168, 1518-1524.

39. x. l. zeng and j. h. li. paul h. brunner and helmut rechberger, 2017. handbook of material flow analysis: for environmental, resource, and waste engineers second ed. 2017. crc press, boca raton, usa, (xvii 435pp. isbn 978-1-498-72134-9, hardcover, price £108). resources policy 2017, 53, 65-65.

40. song, q.; wang, z.; li, j.; duan, h*.; yu, d.; zeng, x.*, characterizing the transboundary movements of ueee/weee: is macau a regional transfer center? j. clean prod. 2017, 157, 243-253.

41. zlamparet, g. i.; ijomah, w.; miao, y.; awasthi, a. k.; zeng, x.; li, j., remanufacturing strategies: a solution for weee problem. j. clean prod. 2017, 149, 126-136.

42. awasthi, a. k.; zlamparet, g. i.; zeng, x.; li, j., evaluating waste printed circuit boards recycling: opportunities and challenges, a mini review. waste manage. res. 2017, 35, (4), 346-356.

43. x. l. zeng, h. b. duan, f. wang, and j. h. li. examining environmental management of e-waste: china's experience and lessons. renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 2017, 72: 1076-1082.

44. g. u. adie, l. y. sun, x. l. zeng*, l. x. zheng, o. osibanjo o, and j. h. li*. examining the evolution of metals utilized in printed circuit boards. environ. technol. 2017, 38(13-14): 1696-1701.

45. j. h. li, x. he, and x. l. zeng*. designing and examining e-waste recycling process: methodology and case studies. environ. technol. 2017, 38 (6), 652-660.

46. l. y. sun, c. zhang, j. h. li*, and x. l. zeng*. assessing the sustainability of lead utilization in china. journal of environmental management 2016, 183, 275-279.

47. a. abhishek, x. l. zeng, and j. h. li. integrated bioleaching of copper metal from waste printed circuit board—a comprehensive review of approaches and challenges. environmental science and pollution research 2016, 23 (21), 21141–21156

48. x. l. zeng and j. h. li. measuring the recyclability of electronics: innovative method and its implications. journal of cleaner production 2016, 131: 156-162.

49. a. abhishek, x. l. zeng*, and j. h. li*. response to letter to the editor re: awasthi et al.,2016 (environ sci pollut res 23(12): 11509?11532)? environmental science and pollution research, 2016, abhishek kumar awasthi, xianlai zeng, jinhui li. response to “letter to the editor re: awasthi et al. 2016 (environ sci pollut res 23(12): 11509–11532)”. environmental science & pollution research, 2016, 23(24), 25512-25514.

50. n. singh, j. h. li, and x. l. zeng. solutions and challenges in recycling waste cathode-ray tubes. journal of cleaner production 2016, 133: 188-200.

51. n. singh, j. h. li, and x. l. zeng. global responses for recycling waste crts in e-waste. waste management 2016, 57,187-197.

52. x. l. zeng, r. y. gong, w. q. chen, and j. h. li. uncovering the recycling potential of ‘new’ weee in china. environmental science & technology 2016, 50(3): 1347-1358.

53. m. yu, x. l. zeng, q. b. song, l. l. liu, and j. h. li. examining regeneration technologies for etching solutions: a critical analysis of the characteristics and potentials. journal of cleaner production, 2016, 113: 973-980.

54. a. abhishek, x. l. zeng, and j. h. li. environmental pollution of electronic waste recycling in india: a critical review. environment pollution, 2016, 211: 259-270.

55. a. abhishek, x. l. zeng*, and j. h. li*. relationship between e-waste recycling and human health in india: a critical review. environmental science and pollution research, 2016, 23:11509–11532.

56. l. y. sun, x. l. zeng, and j. h. li. pollutants release and control during weee recycling: a critical review. procedia environmental sciences 2016, 31: 867-872.

57. x. l. zeng, j. h. li, and l. l. liu. solving spent lithium-ion battery problems in china: opportunities and challenges. renewable & sustainable energy reviews 2015, 52: 1759-1767.

58. j. h. li*, x. l. zeng*, m. j. chen, o. a. ogunseitan, and ab stevels. “control-alt-delete”: rebooting solutions for the e-waste problem. environmental science & technology 2015, 49(12): 7095-7108.

59. x. l. zeng, f. wang, x. f. sun, and j. h. li. recycling indium from scraped glass of liquid crystal display: process optimizing and mechanism exploring. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering 2015, 3(7): 1306-1312.

60. x. l. zeng and j. h. li. on the sustainability of cobalt utilization in china. resources, conservation and recycling 2015, 104 a, 12-18.

61. x. l. zeng, q. b. song, j. h. li, w. y. yuan, h. b. duan, and l. l. liu. solving e-waste problem using an integrated mobile recycling plant. journal of cleaner production 2015, 90(0), 55-59.

62. q. b. song, j. h. li, and x. l. zeng. minimizing the increasing solid waste through zero waste strategy. journal of cleaner production 2015, 104, 199-210.

63. q. b. song, x. l. zeng, j. h. li, h. b. duan, and w. y. yuan. environmental risk assessment of crt and pcbs workshops in a mobile e-waste recycling plant. environmental science and pollution research 2015, 22, 12366-12373.

64. x. l. zeng, j. h. li, and b. y. shen. novel approach to recover cobalt and lithium from spent lithium-ion battery using oxalic acid. journal of hazardous materials, 2015, 295, 112-118.

65. j. h. li, x. l. zeng, and ab stevels. ecodesign in consumer electronics: past, present and future. critical reviews in environmental science and technology 2015, 45, (8), 840-860.

66. q. y. tan, j. h. li, and x. l. zeng. rare earth elements recovery from waste fluorescent lamps: a review. critical reviews in environmental science and technology 2015, 45, (7), 749-776.

67. j. j. jiang, x. l. zeng*, and j. h. li*, feasibility analysis of recycling and disposal of spent lithium-ion batteries in china. applied mechanics and materials 2015, 768, 622-626.

68. x. l. zeng and j. h. li. spent rechargeable lithium batteries in e-waste: composition and its implications. frontiers of environmental science and engineering 2014, 8(5): 792-796.

69. x. l. zeng, j. h. li, and n. singh. recycling of spent lithium-ion battery: a critical review. critical reviews in environmental science and technology 2014, 10(44):1129-1165.

70. x. l. zeng and j. h. li. innovative application of ionic liquid to separate al and cathode materials from spent high-power lithium-ion batteries. journal of hazardous materials 2014, 271:50-56.

71. q. y. tan, x. l. zeng, l. x. zheng, w. l. ijomah, and j. h. li. status of end-of-life electronic products remanufacturing in china. journal of industrial ecology, 2014, 18(4): 577-587.

72. x. l. zeng, and j. h. li. implications for the carrying capacity of lithium reserve in china. resources, conservation & recycling 2013, 80, (0), 58-63.

73. q. b. song, z. s. wang, j. h. li, and x. l. zeng. the life cycle assessment of an e-waste treatment enterprise in china. journal of material cycles and waste management 2013, 15: 469-475.

74. x. l. zeng, j. h. li, h. h xie, and l. l. liu. a novel dismantling process of waste printed circuit boards using water-soluble ionic liquid. chemosphere 2013, 93, (7), 1288-1294.

75. x. l. zeng, j. h. li, aln stevels, and l. l. liu. perspective of electronic waste management in china based on a legislation comparison between china and the eu. journal of cleaner production 2013, 51, (0), 80-87.

76. q. b. song, z. s. wang, j. h. li, and x. l. zeng. life cycle assessment of tv sets in china: a case study of the impacts of crt monitors. waste management 2012, 32(10):1926-1936.

77. x. l. zeng, j. h. li, and y. s. ren. prediction of various discarded lithium batteries in china. selected proceedings of 2012 ieee international symposium on sustainable systems and technology, 16-18 may 2012, boston, ma, usa.

78. x. l. zeng, l. x. zheng, h. h. xie, b. lu, k. xia, k. m. chao, w. d. li, j. x. yang, s. y. lin, and j. h. li. current status and future perspective of waste printed circuit boards recycling, procedia environmental sciences, 16 (2012), 590-597.

79. y. h. zhang, s. l. liu, h. h. xie, x. l. zeng, and j. h. li. current status on leaching precious metals from waste printed circuit boards, procedia environmental sciences, 16 (2012), 560-568.


1. 曾现来; 李金惠. 废物可回收性资源属性评估系统v1.0.实用新型,证书号: 7258246,2021.1.15.

2. 曾现来;俞从海;段华波;方益明;吴吉权;刘丽丽;谭全银;李金惠.废电路板初步拆解后的移动式车载综合处理设备.实用新型,中国,2012,申请号: 201220359950x;授权专利号: cn202741224u.

3. 李金惠;曾现来;刘丽丽;董庆银.一种利用离子液体快速拆解废电路板的连续式设备及方法,发明专利, 2014,专利号:2014108064622.

4. 李金惠;曾现来.用水溶性离子液体回收废锂离子电池中金属的方法及装置,发明专利,201310180812.4.

5. 李金惠;曾现来;谢亨华等.一种应用[bmim]bf4溶剂快速拆解废电路板的环境友好方法,发明专利,专利号:201210544487.

6. 李金惠;曾现来;申冰玉;刘丽丽.一种以草酸为提取液的废锂离子电池回收处理方法及装置,发明专利, 2014,专利号:201310541240.8.

7. 李金惠;孙乾予;曾现来; 刘丽丽; 谭全银; 张国斌. 一种综合回收金属尾矿中铜、铁矿物的方法, 2021, cn11921693b.

8. 李金惠;苑文仪;曾现来;段华波;谭全银;刘丽丽. 一种废crt显示器玻璃无害化清洗设备.实用新型,2012,专利号:201220277128.

9. 苑文仪;任玉森;曾现来;陈振春;刘丽丽;邓华利;谭全银;李金惠废显示器及其主机的移动式车载拆解综合处理设备.实用新型,2012,专利号:201220359805.

10. 李金惠;只艳;朱剑锋;曾现来;刘丽丽;董庆银.废印刷电路板非金属粉/abs树脂复合材料及制备方法,发明专利,2013,专利号:201310044154.

11. 张艳华,边艳勇,袁泉,曾现来,吴吉权.废电路板非金属粉木塑复合材料花盆, 2013,专利号: zl 2013 2 0036700.7.


1. 李金惠,曾现来,刘丽丽,许开华,单桂娟编著.循环经济发展脉络.北京:中国环境出版社, 2017. isbn: 978-7-5111-3179-9.

2. xianlai zeng. e-waste: regulations, management strategies and current issues. hauppauge, ny, usa: nova science publishers; 2017. isbn: 978-1-53610-617-6.

3. 曾现来著. 典型电子废物部件中有色金属回收机理及技术研究. 北京:《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志社, 2016. isbn: 978-7-900292-98-8.

4. 曾现来等主编. 固体废物处理处置与案例. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社,2011. isbn: 9787511103345.(环境专业教材,已在全国多所学校使用)

5. 阿布•史提文斯, 李金惠,曾现来等著. 电子产品的生态设计与管理. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社, 2011. isbn: 9787511106957.

6. 国际回收局, 巴塞尔公约亚太地区协调中心. 环境无害化管理手册. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2011. isbn: 9787122123190.

7. j. li and x. zeng. recycling printed circuit boards. in: waste electrical and electronic equipment handbook. woodhead publishing limited, cambridge, uk, sep., 2012. isbn-13: 978-0857090898

8. 曾现来翻译. 麻省理工学院开放式教程《固体废物围堵与整治技术》,2008, http://www.core.org.cn

9. 曾现来参与编写统稿,城市固体废物管理手册. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社,2007.6. isbn: 9787802095861.


1. 城市矿产资源国内大循环及政策启示. 麓山大讲堂·创新论坛, 湖南工商大学, 2021年5月13日

2. 第十四届电器电子产品生产者责任延伸制度及回收处理技术国际会议,长沙,2021.5.13-14(主办方及主持人)

3. resource supply from geological mineral to anthropogenic mineral. meeting of working party 2 of study group 5, itu. virtual, may 11, 2021

4. 物质流分析在“无废城市”建设中的应用及优化. 全国“无废城市”建设试点推进会·试点成果凝练专题交流会, 浙江绍兴, 2020.9.13(主旨报告)

5. 德国慕尼黑国际环博会ifat impact business summit“无废城市”专题会议, 在线, 2020.9.9 (组织主持)

6. 中国城市矿产资源产量精准评估及内循环. 中国国际服务贸易交易会2020绿色发展国际论坛. 北京, 2020.9.7 (主旨报告,中华人民共和国商务部)

7. 第十五届固体废物管理与技术国际会议,北京,2020.6.28-30(担任大会组织委员会副主席,会议有42个国家及地区4500多名国内外学者参加了会议)

8. the 7th aearu environmental workshop: resource flow and its environmental impact, 2018.3.24, beijing, china(会议主席,组织人)

9. 3.e-waste management in china: experience and challenge. the 7th international conference on solid waste management, 2017.12.15-17. hyderabad, india.(分会主持人及大会报告人)

10. strategic materials for a low-carbon future: from resource scarcity to availability conference. chaired by the veolia institute and the oxford martin school. 2017.11.2-3. 英国牛津大学(分会主持人及报告人)

11. 兴起的循环化学:理论,实践和挑战. 中国地球科学联合学术年会环境地球化学分会. 2017.10.15-16. 北京 (分会共同主持人及报告人)

12. 城市矿产资源开发及调控:从理论到实践. 中国自然资源学会2017年学术年会, 经济新常态下国家矿产资源安全管理与政策(分会场九). 内蒙古呼和浩特, 2017.7.30. (特邀报告)

13. 曾现来. 中国电子废物管理:过去、现在及未来. 2017有机废弃物处理和资源化研讨会, 陕西西安, 2017.5.6. (主题报告)

14. solving the e-waste problem: from science to engineering & policy. mgsm, macquarie university, sydney, april 18, 2017 (oral presentation)

15. 城市矿产中金属资源的划分. 2016中国科学院“交叉学科论坛”第87期. 厦门, 2016.12.2 (特邀报告)

16. 中国废锂电池问题的解决途径和方法. 动力电池回收高值利用与全生命周期管理交流大会. 北京, 2016.10.14. (特邀报告)

17. 中国能源金属的资源承载力可持续性评估. 电器电子产品回收处理技术及生产者责任延伸制度国际会议. 北京, 2016.5.26. (特邀报告)

18. urban mining: experience, opportunities, and challenges. in urban mining for resource supply and its role in sustainable industry, global cleaner production and sustainable consumption conference. sitges, barcelona, spain. nov. 3, 2015 (session co-chair & oral presentation).

19. solving the e-waste problem: from resource assessment to process development. rochester institute of technology, usa, oct. 5, 2015.

20. solving the e-waste problem: from scientific recognition to key process. yale university, usa, oct. 1, 2015.

21. rebooting solutions for the e-waste problem. international conference on solid waste 2015: knowledge transfer for sustainable resource management, hong kong, may 19-23, 2015 (oral presentation).
