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2000.9 – 2005.9:清华大学环境科学与工程系,博士

1996.9 – 2000.7:清华大学环境科学与工程系,学士



2020.12–至今   清华大学环境学院,长聘教授、副院长








mehran university research journal of engineering & technology, editorial board member









1. 国家重点研发计划课题“高浓度渗滤液碳氮协同削减及浓缩液全量化处理技术装备与示范”(2018yfc1901405),2018-2022,课题负责人

2. 环保公益性行业科研专项“生活垃圾填埋场污染控制措施适用性评估与全过程监管方法研究”(201509055),2015-2017,课题负责人
3. 国家科技支撑计划课题“城市生物质废物联合集中处理技术及燃气利用工程示范”(2014bac24b01)之“城市垃圾填埋场气体高效收集与多途径综合利用模式研究”(2014bac24b01-03),2014-2017,子课题负责人
4. 国家科技支撑计划项目“生活垃圾干湿分离提质与厌氧消化关键技术及示范”(2014bac02b02),2014-2017,研究骨干

5. 国际合作项目(veolia)“leachate humification for soil remediation”,2014-2015,课题负责人

6. 中国清洁发展机制基金赠款项目“填埋场温室气体排放控制及固碳潜力研究与案例分析”(2012068),2012-2014,课题负责人,100万

7. 国家自然科学基金课题“氧化铁对填埋场渗滤液有机质非生物腐殖化的强化效应与作用机制”(51208280),2013-2015,课题负责人

8. 清华大学自主科研计划课题“作业期填埋场典型气体污染物排放与控制策略研究”,2012-2015,课题负责人

9. 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室(清华大学)开放基金课题“生活垃圾填埋过程中nmocs的释放特征与生成机制研究”(12k08espct),2012-2014,课题负责人

10. 2012年度国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项课题“生活垃圾和城市污水厂污泥处置设施环境安全防护评价技术研究”(201209022)之“生活垃圾填埋场非甲烷有机化合物释放规律研究”,2012-2014,子课题负责人

11. 北京市科技计划课题“生活垃圾能量与物质循环利用技术及二次污染控制技术工程化试验研究”,2010-2013,主要参与人

12. 环保部国际环境合作及履约专项“执行中美合作谅解备忘录附件四:固体和危险废弃物项目”——“中美填埋场渗滤液管理政策比较调研”,2010-2011,子项目负责人

13. 固体废物处理与环境安全教育部重点实验室开放基金课题“生活垃圾填埋腐殖化机制及影响研究”,2010-2012,课题负责人

14. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题“常压湿热气解对污泥胶体稳定性的影响机制”,2010-2012,课题负责人

15. 国家重大水专项课题“高新城区水环境质量保障技术与综合示范”——“污泥减量化与资源能源综合利用技术研究”,2008-2010,子课题负责人

16. “十一五”北京市科技计划课题“沼液资源化利用技术研发”,2008-2010,课题负责人

17. 环境保护应急项目“汶川特大地震灾后环境安全评估与应对措施”,2008-2009,主要参与人

18. “十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题“生活垃圾生物反应器填埋技术研究”——“生物反应器填埋场剩余渗滤液控制研究”,2006-2010,子课题负责人


高盐有机废水浸没燃烧蒸发关键技术、成套装备及应用. 发明创业成果奖一等奖, 中国发明协会, 2020

2018-2019年度校园综合治理“先进个人”称号. 清华大学校园综合治理委员会, 2020



多层次构建全球环境人才培养体系,全方位提升学生国际胜任力. 国家级教学成果奖. 2018

多层次构建全球环境人才培养体系,全方位提升学生国际胜任力. 北京市高等教育教学成果奖一等奖. 2018




填埋场地下水污染系统防控与强化修复关键技术及应用, 环境保护科学技术一等奖,2016


















1.lingyue zhang, hao bai,yawei zhang, yang wang, dongbei yue. life cycle assessmentof leachate treatment strategies. environmental science & technology,accepted

2.ding fang, jianchao wang,dongyu cui, xinwei dong, chu tang, lingyue zhang, dongbei yue. recentadvances of landfill leachate treatment. journal of the indian institute ofscience. 2021, s.i.: 101(4): on landfills doi: 10.1007/s41745-021-00262-0

3.jianchao wang, dongbeiyue, dongyu cui, lingyue zhang, xinwei dong. insights into adsorptionbehaviors and mechanisms of humic substances on graphitic carbon nitride.environmental science & technology

4.xinwei dong, dongbeiyue. a magnetic humus core-shell composite synthesized by abiotichumification method for cr(vi) removal. detritus journal, 2021, 14: 32-36

5.jianmei zou, huichunzhang, dongbei yue, jianzhi huang. is the traditional alkaliextraction method valid in isolating chemically distinct humic acid? chemicalengineering journal advances, 2021, 6: 100077 doi: 10.1016/j.ceja.2020.100077

6.jianchao wang, dongbei yue, hui wang. insitu fe3o4 nanoparticles coating of polymers for separating hazardous pvc frommicroplastic mixtures. chemical engineering journal, 2021, 407: 127170 doi:10.1016/j.cej.2020.127170

7.yingchao zhang, dongbei yue, ding fang,xinwei dong, wenlong li. enhanced darkening effect from the interaction of mno2and oxygen on the component evolution of amino-phenolic humic-like substances.chemosphere. 2021, 263: 127956 doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127956

8.jianmei zou, jianzhi huang, huichunzhang, dongbei yue. evolution of humic substances in polymerization ofpolyphenol and amino acid based on non-destructive characterization. frontiersof environmental science and engineering, 2020, 15(1): 5. doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1297-y

9.lingyue zhang, xinyue wang, dongbeiyue. effect of submerged combustion evaporation on cd complexationpotential of organic matter in municipal solid waste landfill leachate.environmental pollution. 2020, 267: 115573. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115573

10.jianchao wang, dongbei yue, hui wang. insights intomechanism of hypochlorite-induced functionalization of polymers towardseparating bfr-containing components from microplastics. acs applied materials& interfaces 2020, 12: 36755−36767 doi: 10.1021/acsami.0c09586

11.munawar ali, dongbei yue. population dynamics ofmicrobial species under high and low ammonia nitrogen in the alternate layerbioreactor landfill (albl) approach. bioresource technology. 2020, 315: 123787doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123787

12.muhammad safar korai, munawar ali, cheng lei, rasool buxmahar, dongbei yue. comparison of msw management practices in pakistanand china. journal of material cycles and waste management, 2020, 22(2):443-453. doi: 10.1007/s10163-019-00951-0

13.jianchao wang, hui wang, dongbei yue. optimizing greenferrate (vi) modification towards flotation separation of wastepolyvinylchloride and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene mixtures, wastemanagement, 2020, 101, 83-91, doi: org/10.1016/j.wasman.2019.09.039.

14.jianmei zou, jianzhi huang, dongbei yue, huichun zhang.roles of oxygen and mn (iv) oxide in abiotic formation of humic substances byoxidative polymerization of polyphenol and amino acid, chemical engineeringjournal, 2020, 393: 124734 doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.124734.

15.jianchao wang, hui wang, dongbei yue. optimization of surfacetreatment using sodium hypochlorite facilitates coseparation of abs and pc fromweee plastics by flotation. environmental science & technology, 2019, 53(4): 2086-2094. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06432

16.jianchao wang, hui wang, dongbei yue. separation of wastepolymethyl methacrylate and polyvinyl chloride mixtures by flotation afterfenton oxidation. journal of cleaner production, 2019, 228: 1218-1228

17.程磊, 刘意立, 杨妍妍, 李昊, 王洪涛, 刘建国, 岳东北. 我国生活垃圾填埋场特征性问题原因分析与对策探讨. 环境卫生工程, 2019, 27(4): 1-4

18.lingyue zhang, maria cristina lavagnolo, hao bai, albertopivato, roberto raga, dongbei yue. environmental andeconomic assessment of leachate concentrate treatment technologies usinganalytic hierarchy process. resources, conservation & recycling, 2019, 141:474–480. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.11.007

19.wenjie sun, yue d, song j, nie y. adsorptionremoval of refractory organic matter in bio-treated municipal solid waste landfillleachate by anion exchange resin. waste management, 2018, 81: 61-70. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.10.005

20.yingchao zhang, dongbei yue, xu wang, wenfang song.mechanism of oxidation and catalysis of organic matter abiotic humification inthe presence of mno2. journal of environmental sciences, 2019, 77: 167-173. doi:10.1016/j.jes.2018.07.002

21.munawar ali, junli zhang, roberto raga, maria cristinalavagnolo, alberto pivato, xu wang, yuanyuan zhang, raffaello cossu, dongbeiyue. effectiveness of aerobic pretreatment of municipal solid waste foraccelerating biogas generation during simulated landfilling. front. environ.sci. eng. 2018, 12: 5. doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1031-1

22.li l, qi gx, wang bd, yue db, wang y, sato t. fulvic acidanchored layered double hydroxides: a multifunctional composite adsorbent forthe removal of anionic dye and toxic metal. journal of hazardous materials, 2018,343:19-28. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.09.006

23.luca morello, roberto raga, maria cristina lavagnolo, albertopivato, munawar ali, dongbei yue, raffaello cossu. thes.an.a.® concept: semi-aerobic, anaerobic, aerated bioreactor landfill. wastemanagement, 2017, 67: 193-202. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2017.05.006

24.yang t, sun w, yue d. characterizing the effects ofbiologically active covers on landfill methane emission flux and bio-oxidation.journal of environmental engineering, 2017, 143(9): 04017059:1~9. doi: 10.1061/(asce)ee.1943-7870.0001251.

25.zhang y, yue d, lu x, zhao k, ma h. role offerric oxide in abiotic humification enhancement of organic matter. journal ofmaterial cycles and waste management, 2017, 19: 585–591.doi: 10.1007/s10163-015-0435-2


1.l. zhang, x. wang, d. yue, h. jiang, y. wang, z. fan. effect of submerged combustion evaporation on cd complexation potential of leachate humic substance. seventeenth international waste management and landfill symposium (sardinia 2019), s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy; 30 september – 4 october 2019

2.sijia zhang, dongbei yue. lab experiments of electron beam application in landfill leachate treatment. seventeenth international waste management and landfill symposium (sardinia 2019), s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy; 30 september – 4 october 2019

3.dongbei yue, sijia zhang, xia li, lingyue zhang, hongji gao, yimiao ji. technical and economical comparison between two landfill gas power generators. proceedings sum2018, fourth symposium on urban mining, 21-23 may 2018. bergamo, italy

4.lingyue zhang, dongbei yue. life cycle assessment of water recycling based on alternative leachate treatment systems. proceedings sum2018, fourth symposium on urban mining, bergamo, italy, 21-23 may 2018

5.lingyue zhang, dongbei yue. effect of submerged combustion evaporation on cd complexation potential of leachate organic matter, sixth international conference on industrial and hazardous waste management, crete, greece, 4-7 september 2018

6.yingchao zhang, dongbei yue, wenfang song. assessment of humification by monitoring humic products changes using uv-vis, 2d-ftir. the 19th international conference of international humic substances society (ihss 19th), varna, bulgaria, 247-248, sep 16-21, 2018.

7.r cossu, r raga, g agostini, e priante, d yue, a pivato. effects of intermittent aeration on carbon and nitrogen turnover in landfill simulation reactors. sixteenth international waste management and landfill symposium (sardinia 2017), s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy; 2 – 6 october 2017

8.r cossu, m c lavagnolo, l morello, a pivato, r raga, d yue. role of semi-aerobic phase in hybrid landfilling: the s.an.a. method. sixteenth international waste management and landfill symposium (sardinia 2017), s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy; 2 – 6 october 2017

9.zhang l, yue d. evaluation of treatment technologies for leachate concentrate from nf/ro using analytic hierarchy process. sixteenth international waste management and landfill symposium (sardinia 2017), s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy; 2 – 6 october 2017

10. yue d, zhang l, zhang w. full treatment of landfill leachate by using combined reverse osmosis and submerged combustion evaporator: case study. sixteenth international waste management and landfill symposium (sardinia 2017), s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy; 2 – 6 october 2017

11. jianmei zou, munawar ali, xia li, dongbei yue, yuanyuan zhang. effect of aerobic pretreatment of municipal solid waste on lag period of gas production in subsequent anaerobic degradation in simulated landfill. the 3rd symposium of asian regional branch, international waste working group (iwwg-arb), april 12-14, 2017, seoul, republic of korea

12. dongbei yue, lingyue zhang. submerged combustion evaporation of membrane concentrated leachate: effect of operation parameters. the 3rd symposium of asian regional branch, international waste working group (iwwg-arb), april 12-14, 2017, seoul, republic of korea

13. wang x, yue d, zhang j, wang x, li x. field experiment on low-oxygen collection of municipal solid waste landfill gas. the 9th asia-pacific landfill symposium (aplas hong kong 2016), hong kong, china, november 9-11, 2016

14. wang x, yue d. seasonal and regional characterization of municipal solid waste and estimation of landfill carbon sequestration in beijing. the 9th asia-pacific landfill symposium (aplas hong kong 2016), hong kong, china, november 9-11, 2016

15. wang x, yue d. characterization of molecular weight fractions of dissolved organic matter in condensed landfill leachate from submerged combustion evaporator. the 9th asia-pacific landfill symposium (aplas hong kong 2016), hong kong, china, november 9-11, 2016


1. 岳东北. 污水厂污泥的常压湿热气解调理方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl200910238388.8, 授权公告日:2012.5.9

2. 岳东北, 聂永丰, 程熠晴, 宋建刚. 一种从沼液中提取腐植酸类物质的方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl 2010101079332, 授权公告日:2013.4.7

3. 岳东北. 垃圾填埋方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl 201610512005.1, 授权公告日: 2018.7.17

4. 岳东北. 高盐有机废液的浸没燃烧蒸发浓缩装置及方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl 201610512496.x, 授权公告日: 2018.11.20

5. 岳东北,张龄月. 有机废液的二段式浸没燃烧蒸发一体化处理方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl201810040048.3,授权公告日: 2019.7.1

6. 岳东北,张龄月. 二段式浸没燃烧蒸发一体化装置. 发明专利, 专利号zl201810040050.0, 授权公告日: 2019.8.1

7. 岳东北, 丛闫. 组合蒸发装置及蒸发控制方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl201910964262.2, 授权公告日:2020.7.2

8. 岳东北, 邹建美. 磁性炭基腐殖质复合材料及其制备方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl201910784581.5, 授权公告日: 2020.8.5

9. dongbei yue, lingyue zhang. integrated treatment method of two-stage submerged combustion evaporation for organic waste liquid. application no. 16/613,325, filing date: 2019.11.13; patent no. us 10,907,828, patent date: 2021.2.2

10. 岳东北, 高洪吉. 利用烟气热量的直接接触蒸发处理设备及其方法. 发明专利, 专利号zl201910910779.3, 授权公告日 : 2021.2.20

11. 岳东北, 董新维. 分步传热蒸发的浸没燃烧蒸发器、方法及组合蒸发装置. 发明专利, 专利号zl202011074911.0 授权公告日2021.7.2

12. 岳东北. 浸没燃烧蒸发器. 发明专利, 专利号zl202010788754.3 授权公告日2021.8.5

13. 岳东北, 丛闫. 组合蒸发装置. 发明专利, 专利号:zl201921698586.8, 授权公告日:2020.5.11

14. 岳东北, 高洪吉. 多介质生物滤池以及分散式污水处理装置. 实用新型专利, 专利号zl201922266292.4. 授权公告日2020.7.16

15. 岳东北. 残渣收集设备. 实用新型专利, 专利号202021253010.3授权公告日2021.3.2

16. 白皓, 张聪慧, 王凯, 孙越, 李娇, 杨建, 计燚淼, 岳东北. 移动式浸没燃烧蒸发装置. 实用新型, 专利号zl202021795995.2 授权公告日2021.3.30

17. 岳东北.直接接触传热与间接接触传热耦合的蒸发设备. 实用新型专利, 专利号zl202020876108.8. 授权公告日2020.12.7

18. 岳东北. 浸没燃烧蒸发器. 实用新型专利, 专利号zl202021629989.x授权公告日2021.4.20

19. 岳东北. 撬装式浸没燃烧蒸发装置. 实用新型专利, 专利号zl202021886570.2授权公告日2021.4.20
