1988.9-1993.7 清华大学环境工程系 本科
1993.8-1998.7 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士
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1988.9-1993.7 清华大学环境工程系 本科
1993.8-1998.7 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士
1997.01-1998.01 英国bradford大学土环系 访问学者
1998.08-2009.11 清华大学环境科学与工程系 讲师、副教授
2009.12-2010.12 清华大学环境科学与工程系 教授、博士生导师
2011.01至今 清华大学环境学院 教授、博士生导师
2004年至今 清华大学环境科学与工程系学位分委员会 委员
2006.10-2011.09 环境科学与工程系固体废物控制研究所 所长
2007.06-2010.06 环境科学与工程系 党委副书记
2009至今 教育部固体废物处理与环境安全重点实验室 副主任、主任
2010.7-2016.06 环境学院 副院长
2011年至今:中国环境科学学会重金属污染防治专业委员会第一届、第二届 副主任委员
2013年至今:佛山市生态学会专家委员会 主任
2013年至今:中国环境科学学会第七届理事会咨询评估工作委员会 委员
2013年至今:中国城市环境卫生协会市容环境卫生管理专业委员会 委员
2015年至今:中国稀土工业污染防治技术联盟 常务理事
2017年至今:中国发明协会第七届全国理事会 理事
1. 蒋建国主编,城市环境卫生基础设施建设与管理,化学工业出版社,2005
2. 蒋建国编著,固体废物处理处置工程,化学工业出版社,2005
3. 蒋建国主编,注册环保工程师专业考试复习教材——第4篇 固体废物处理处置与资源化工程基础与实践,环境科学出版社,2007.5(2008.1第二版)
4. 蒋建国编著,固体废物处置与资源化(“十一五”国家级规划教材),化学工业出版社,2008.5
5. 蒋建国副主编,《城市生活垃圾处理知识问答》(环保科普丛书),中国环境科学出版社,2012.7
6. 蒋建国编著,《固体废物处置与资源化(第二版)》(“十二五”国家级规划教材),化学工业出版社,2013.1
7. 蒋建国主编,《固体废物处理处置工程技术》(注册环保工程师培训教材),中国环境出版社,2017.3
[1] sicong tian, jianguo jiang*. sequestration of flue gas co2 by direct gas-solid carbonation of air pollution control system residues. environmental science & technology, 2012, 46, 13545-13551.
[2] jiang jianguo*, tian sicong, chang zhang. influence of so2 in incineration flue gas on the sequestration of co2 by municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash. journal of environmental sciences-china, 2013, 25 (4), 735-740.
[3] jishi zhang, qinqing wang, jianguo jiang. lime mud from paper-making process addition to food waste synergistically enhances hydrogen fermentation performance. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2013, 38 (6), 2738-2745.
[4] sicong tian, jianguo jiang*, xuejing chen, feng yan, kaimin li. direct gas-solid carbonation kinetics of steel slag and the contribution to in-situ sequestration of flue gas co2 in steel-making plants. chemsuschem, 2013, 6 (12), 2348-2355.
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[7] kaimin li, jianguo jiang*, feng yan, sicong tian, xuejing chen. the influence of polyethyleneimine type and molecular weight on the co2 capture performance of pei-nano silica adsorbents. applied energy, 2014, 136, 750-755.
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[9] ming zhao, jeffrey shi, xia zhong, sicong tian, john blamey, jianguo jiang* and paul s. fennell. a novel calcium looping absorbent incorporated with polymorphic spacers for hydrogen production and co2 capture. energy & envrionmental science, 2014, 7, 3291-3295.
[10] feng yan, jianguo jiang*, xuejing chen, sicong tian, kaimin li. synthesis and characterization of silica nanoparticles preparing by low-temperature vapor-phase hydrolysis of sicl4. industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2014, 53 (30), 11884-11890.
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[13] kaimin li, jianguo jiang*, sicong tian, xuejing chen, feng yan. influence of silica types on synthesis and performance of amine-silica hybrid materials used for co2 capture. the journal of physical chemistry c, 2014, 118 (5), 2454-2462.
[14] xuejing chen, jianguo jiang*, feng yan, sicong tian, kaimin li. a novel low temperature vapor phase hydrolysis method for the production of nano-structured silica materials using silicon tetrachloride. rsc advances, 2014, 4 (17), 8703-8710.
[15] changxiu gong, jianguo jiang*, jiaming wang, sicong tian, yujing zhang. effects of ultrasound pre-treatment on the amount of dissolved organic matter extracted from food waste. bioresource technology, 2014, 155, 266-271.
[16] sicong tian, jianguo jiang*, kaimin li, feng yan, xuejing chen. performance of steel slag in carbonation-calcination looping for co2 capture from industrial flue gas. rsc advances, 2014, 4 (14), 6858-6862.
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[18] sicong tian, jianguo jiang*, yan feng and kaimin li. synthesis of highly efficient cao-based, self-stabilizing co2 sorbents via structure-reforming of steel slag. environmental science & technology, 2015, 49 (12), 7464-7472.
[19] changxiu gong, jianguo jiang*, de’an li, sicong tian. ultrasonic application to boost hydroxyl radical formation during fenton oxidation and release organic matter from sludge. scientific reports, 2015, 5, 11419–11427.
[20] quan wang, jianguo jiang*, yujing zhang, kaimin li. effect of initial total solids concentration on volatile fatty acid production from food waste during anaerobic acidification. environmental technology, 2015, 36 (15), 1884-1891.
[21] feng yan, jianguo jiang*, ming zhao, sicong tian, kaimin li, tianran li. a green and scalable synthesis of highly stable ca-based sorbents for co2 capture. journal of materials chemistry a, 2015, 3, 7966-7973.
[22] xuejing chen, jianguo jiang*, sicong tian, kaimin li. biogas dry reforming for syngas production: catalytic performance of nickel supported on waste-derived sio2. catalysis science & technology, 2015, 5, 860-868.
[23] kaimin li, jianguo jiang*, sicong tian, xuejing chen, feng yan. polyethyleneimine-nano silica composites: a low-cost and promising adsorbent for co2 capture. journal of material chemistry a, 2015, 3, 2166–2175.
[24] changxiu gong, jianguo jiang*, de’an li. ultrasound coupled with fenton oxidation pre-treatment of sludge to release organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. science of the total environment, 2015, 532, 495-500.
[25] fen yan, jianguo jiang*, kaimin li, sicong tian, ming zhao, xuejing chen. performance of coal fly ash stabilized, cao-based sorbents under different carbonation-calcination conditions. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2015, 3, 2092-2099.
[26] jiaming wang, jianguo jiang*, dean li, tianran li, nuo liu, wenjie zhang. removal of pb and zn from contaminated soil by different washing methods: the influence of reagents and ultrasound. environmental science and pollution research, 2015, 22:20084–20091.
[27] sicong tian, jianguo jiang*, davood hosseini, agnieszka m. kierzkowska, qasim imtiaz, marcin broda, christoph r. müller. development of a steel-slag-based, iron-functionalized sorbent for an autothermal carbon dioxide capture process. chemsuschem, 2015, 8 (22): 3839?3846.
[28] haowei zhang, jianguo jiang*, menglu li, changxiu gong, quan wang. biological nitrate removal using a food waste-derived carbon source in synthetic wastewater and real sewage. journal of environmental management, 2016, 166:407-413.
[29] jing chang, hongjing tian*, jianguo jiang, cong zhang, qingjie guo. simulation and experimental study on the desulfurization for smelter off-gas using a recycling ca-based desulfurizer. chemical engineering journal, 2016, 291:225–237.
[30] sicong tian, kaimin li, jianguo jiang*, xuejing chen and feng yan. co2 abatement from the iron and steel industry using a combined ca-fe chemical loop. applied energy, 2016, 170:345-352.
[31] kaimin li, sicong tian, jianguo jiang*, jiaming wang, xuejing chen, feng yan. pine cone shell-based activated carbon used for co2 adsorption. journal of materials chemistry a, 2016, 4, 5223-5234.
[32] sicong tian, jianguo jiang*, kaimin li, xuejing chen and feng yan. highly efficient co2 capture with simultaneous iron and cao recycling for the iron and steel industry. green chemistry, 2016, 18, 4022-4031.
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[35] feng yan, jianguo jiang*, sicong tian, zongwen liu, jeffrey shi, kaimin li, xuejing chen, and yiwen xu. a green and facile synthesis of ordered mesoporous nano-silica using coal fly ash. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2016, 4 (9):4654–4661.
[36] kaimin li, jianguo jiang*. research on urea formation of amine functional adsorbent during co2 capture process: two key factors analysis, temperature and moisture. journal of physical chemistry c, 2016, 120:25892?25902.
[37] feng yan, jianguo jiang*, kaimin li, sicong tian, zongwen liu, jeffrey shi, xuejing chen, jingyuan fei, and yuxiang lu. cyclic performance of waste-derived sio2 stabilized, cao-based sorbents for fast co2 capture. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2016, 4 (12), 7004-7012.
[38] xuejing chen, jianguo jiang*, sicong tian, kaimin li,and feng yan. oxidative dry reforming of biogas to produce syngas on a ni/sio2 catalyst: the enhanced anti-deactivation effect of o2. applied energy, 2017, 185(p1):687-697.
[39] jianguo jiang*, meng yang, yucheng gao, jiaming wang, dean li, tianran li. removal of heavy metals from vanadium-contaminated soils using a washing method: reagent selection and parameter optimization. chemosphere ()
[40] feng yan, jianguo jiang,* kaimin li, nuo liu, xuejing chen, yuchen gao and sicong tian. green synthesis of nanosilica from coal fly ash and its stabilizing effect on cao sorbents for co2 capture. environmental science & technology, 2017, 51 (13), 7606–7615.
[41] wenjie zhang, jianguo jiang*, kaimin li, tianran li, de’an li. amendment of vanadium mine tailings with zerovalent iron and soil conditioners. international journal of phytoremediation(accept)
[42] nuo liu, quan wang, jianguo jiang*, changxiu gong, haowei zhang. enhanced production of volatile fatty acid from food waste: independent and combined effects of salt and grease. renewable energy, 2017, 113c, 1523-1528
[43] xuejing chen, jianguo jiang*, kaimin li, feng yan, and sicong tian. dry reforming of biogas on a ni/sio2 catalyst: overall performance and mechanisms of sulfur poisoning and regeneration. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering (accept)
[44] yuchen gao, jianguo jiang*, sicong tian, kaimin li, feng yan, nuo liu, meng yang, xuejing chen. bof steel slag as a low-cost sorbent for vanadium (v) removal from synthetic soil washing effluent. scientific reports(accept)
[45] aikelaimu aihemaiti, jianguo jiang*, de’an li, tianran li, wenjie zhang, xutong ding. toxic metals tolerance in native plant species grown in vanadium mining area. environmental science and pollution research (accpet )
[19] 一种利用餐厨垃圾厌氧制碳源的方法,zl201310164723.0
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