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2011-08 至 2016-07    清华大学,环境科学与工程,博士

2007-08 至 2011-07    清华大学,环境工程,学士


2019-10 至今               清华大学环境学院,助理研究员

2017-022019-05    美国埃默里大学罗林斯公共卫生学院环境健康系,博士后研究员

2016-082017-01    清华大学地球系统科学系,研究助理

2012-052013-02    加拿大达尔豪斯大学大气科学系,访问学者


(1)国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,碳中和与清洁空气协同治理路径及综合效应研究,2022-01至 2026-12,在研,参与

(2)国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,基于多源数据的中国pm2.5化学成分浓度反演及趋势分析,2021-01至 2023-12,在研,主持

(3)国家自然科学基金委员会,重大研究计划,中国大气复合污染综合数据共享平台研发,2021-01至 2023-12,在研,参与

(4)科技部,国家重点研发计划,全球高精度大气化学模式研发及大气污染控制,2020-11 至 2024-10,在研,参与

(5)生态环境部环境规划院外委项目, ,主要大气污染物减排形势分析技术方法研究,2020-05至 2020-12,结题,主持


已发表sci论文70余篇,其中以第一作者(含共同一作)或通讯作者身份在nature geosciencenature climate changenature communicationsscience advances等期刊发表论文23篇。全部论文被sci期刊论文引用3900余次,h指数29。部分论文如下:

(1)zhao, h., geng, g., liu, y., liu, y., zheng, y., xue, t., tian, h., he, k., & zhang, q. (2022). reduction of global life expectancy driven by trade-related transboundary air pollution. environmental science & technology letters, 9, 212-218

(2)geng, g., xiao, q., liu, s., liu, x., cheng, j., zheng, y., xue, t., tong, d., zheng, b., peng, y., huang, x., he, k., & zhang, q. (2021). tracking air pollution in china: near real-time pm2.5 retrievals from multisource data fusion. environmental science & technology, 55, 12106-12115

(3)geng, g., zheng, y., zhang, q., xue, t., zhao, h., tong, d., zheng, b., li, m., liu, f., hong, c., he, k., & davis, s.j. (2021). drivers of pm2.5 air pollution deaths in china 2002–2017. nature geoscience, 14, 645-650

(4)li, r., guo, j., geng, g., xiao, q., & zhang, q. (2021). satellite-derived long-term estimates of full-coverage pm1 concentrations across china based on a stacking decision tree model. atmospheric environment, 118448

(5)tong, d., geng, g., zhang, q., cheng, j., qin, x., hong, c., he, k., & davis, s.j. (2021). health co-benefits of climate change mitigation depend on strategic power plant retirements and pollution controls. nature climate change, 11, 1077-1083

(6)wu, n., geng, g., yan, l., bi, j., li, y., tong, d., zheng, b., & zhang, q. (2021). improved spatial representation of a highly resolved emission inventory in china: evidence from tropomi measurements. environmental research letters, 16, 084056

(7)xiao, q., geng, g., cheng, j., liang, f., li, r., meng, x., xue, t., huang, x., kan, h., zhang, q., & he, k. (2021). evaluation of gap-filling approaches in satellite-based daily pm2.5 prediction models. atmospheric environment, 244, 117921

(8)xiao, q., geng, g., xue, t., liu, s., cai, c., he, k., & zhang, q. (2021). tracking pm2.5 and o3 pollution and the related health burden in china 2013–2020. environmental science & technology

(9)xiao, q., zheng, y., geng, g., chen, c., huang, x., che, h., zhang, x., he, k., & zhang, q. (2021). separating emission and meteorological contributions to long-term pm2.5 trends over eastern china during 2000–2018. atmospheric chemistry and physics, 21, 9475-9496

(10)xue, t., geng, g., han, y., wang, h., li, j., li, h.-t., zhou, y., & zhu, t. (2021). open fire exposure increases the risk of pregnancy loss in south asia. nature communications, 12, 3205

(11)xue, t., geng, g., li, j., han, y., guo, q., kelly, f.j., wooster, m.j., wang, h., jiangtulu, b., duan, x., wang, b., & zhu, t. (2021). associations between exposure to landscape fire smoke and child mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: a matched case-control study. the lancet planetary health, 5, e588-e598

(12)geng, g., meng, x., he, k., & liu, y. (2020). random forest models for pm2.5 speciation concentrations using misr fractional aods. environmental research letters, 15, 034056

(13)xiao, q., geng, g., liang, f., wang, x., lv, z., lei, y., huang, x., zhang, q., liu, y., & he, k. (2020). changes in spatial patterns of pm2.5 pollution in china 2000–2018: impact of clean air policies. environment international, 141, 105776

(14)zheng, b., geng, g., ciais, p., davis, s.j., martin, r.v., meng, j., wu, n., chevallier, f., broquet, g., boersma, f., van der a, r., lin, j., guan, d., lei, y., he, k., & zhang, q. (2020). satellite-based estimates of decline and rebound in china's co2 emissions during covid-19 pandemic. science advances, 6, eabd4998

(15)geng, g., xiao, q., zheng, y., tong, d., zhang, y., zhang, x., zhang, q., he, k., & liu, y. (2019). impact of china's air pollution prevention and control action plan on pm2.5 chemical composition over eastern china. science china earth sciences, 62, 1872-1884

(16)stowell, j.d., geng, g., saikawa, e., chang, h.h., fu, j., yang, c.-e., zhu, q., liu, y., & strickland, m.j. (2019). associations of wildfire smoke pm2.5 exposure with cardiorespiratory events in colorado 2011–2014. environment international, 133, 105151

(17)tong, d., geng, g., jiang, k., cheng, j., zheng, y., hong, c., yan, l., zhang, y., chen, x., bo, y., lei, y., zhang, q., & he, k. (2019). energy and emission pathways towards pm2.5 air quality attainment in the beijing-tianjin-hebei region by 2030. science of the total environment, 692, 361-370

(18)zhao, h., geng, g., zhang, q., davis, s.j., li, x., liu, y., peng, l., li, m., zheng, b., huo, h., zhang, l., henze, d.k., mi, z., liu, z., guan, d., & he, k. (2019). inequality of household consumption and air pollution-related deaths in china. nature communications, 10, 4337

(19)geng, g., murray, n.l., chang, h.h., & liu, y. (2018). the sensitivity of satellite-based pm2.5 estimates to its inputs: implications to model development in data-poor regions. environment international, 121, 550-560

(20)geng, g., murray, n.l., tong, d., fu, j.s., hu, x., lee, p., meng, x., chang, h.h., & liu, y. (2018). satellite‐based daily pm2.5 estimates during fire seasons in colorado. journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, 123, 8159-8171

(21)geng, g., zhang, q., martin, r.v., lin, j., huo, h., zheng, b., wang, s., & he, k. (2017). impact of spatial proxies on the representation of bottom-up emission inventories: a satellite-based analysis. atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17

(22)geng, g., zhang, q., tong, d., li, m., zheng, y., wang, s., & he, k. (2017). chemical composition of ambient pm2.5 over china and relationship to precursor emissions during 2005–2012. atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17, 9187

(23)geng, g., zhang, q., martin, r.v., van donkelaar, a., huo, h., che, h., lin, j., & he, k. (2015). estimating long-term pm2.5 concentrations in china using satellite-based aerosol optical depth and a chemical transport model. remote sensing of environment, 166, 262-270
