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电话: 86-10-62797770



2005.8 — 2009.7 清华大学环境学院,环境工程专业,学士

2009.8 — 2014.7 清华大学环境学院,环境工程专业,博士


2019.7 — 至今 清华大学环境学院助理教授,博士生导师

2017.2 — 2019.1 美国康奈尔大学阿特金森博士后研究员(david r. atkinson fellowship)

2015.3 — 2017.1 美国福特汽车公司研究创新中心,博士后研究员

2015.3 — 2017.1 美国密歇根大学机械工程系,博士后研究员

2014.8 — 2015.3 清华大学环境学院,博士后研究员

2010.6 — 2013.10 ihs markit (原ihs energy) 实习分析师



transportation research part d期刊编委

science of the total environment专刊(vsi: in-use vehicle emissions)特邀编辑

担任环境、能源与交通领域近20余个期刊审稿人,包括environ. sci. technol., appl. energy, atmos. environ., transport. res. d., transport. res. a

瑞士自然科学基金委和美国南加州大学交通研究中心(metrans center)项目评审专家







4、福特汽车公司大学研究项目(ford urp),中国乙醇汽油汽车排放特征与空气质量影响研究,2019/01-2021/12,共同主持


6、福特汽车公司大学研究项目(ford urp),基于个体出行调研的汽车活动特征研究,2015/3-2017/01,骨干



2020 environmental science & technology letters优秀审稿人

2017 康奈尔大学阿特金森可持续发展博士后资助(david r. atkinson fellowship)

2014 北京市优秀毕业生(研究生)

2012 国家奖学金

2012 清华大学林枫辅导员奖

2009 北京市优秀毕业生



近40篇,包括发表于nature sustainability,pnas和one earth等国际顶级期刊。作为主要起草人参与制定《道路机动车大气污染物排放清单编制技术指南》和《汽车生命周期温室气体及大气污染物排放评价方法》团体标准。


一、代表性期刊论文(*通讯作者;# 共同一作):

1. zhang, d.*, gao, j., tang, d., wu, x., shi, j., chen, j., peng, y., zhang, s.*, wu, y., 2021. switching on auxiliary devices in vehicular fuel efficiency tests can help cut co2 emissions by millions of tons. one earth, 2021, 4(1): 135-145 (细胞杂志地球与环境科学子刊)

2. wen, y., zhang, s.*, he, l., yang, s., wu, x. and wu, y. characterizing start emissions of gasoline vehicles and the seasonal, diurnal and spatial variabilities in china. atmospheric environment, 2021, 245: 118040.

3. zhang, s., wu, x., zheng, x., wen, y., wu, y.*. mitigation potential of black carbon emissions from on-road vehicles in china. environmental pollution, 2021: 116746.

4. wang, h.# *, he, x.#, liang, x.#, li, s., zheng, h., zhang, s,*, nielsen, c. p., wang s., wu, y.*, evans, j. s. health benefits of on-road transportation pollution control programs in china. proceedings of national academy of sciences, 2020, 117(41): 25370-25377 (美国科学院院刊)

5. wang, y.#, wen, y.#, zhang, s.*, zhang, k. m., zheng, h., xing, j., wu, y., hao, j. four-month changes in air quality during and after the covid-19 lockdown in six megacities in china. environmental science & technology letters, 2020, 7(11): 802-808 (2020年es&t letters浏览量最高论文之一)

6. zhang, s.*, zhao, p., he, l., yang, y., liu, b., he, w., cheng, y., liu, y., liu, s., hu, q., huang, c., wu, y. on-board monitoring (obm) for heavy-duty vehicle emissions in china: regulations, early-stage evaluation and policy recommendations. science of the total environment, 2020, 731: 139045

7. wen, y., zhang, s.*, zhang, j., bao, s., wu, x., yang, d., wu, y. mapping dynamic road emissions for a megacity by using open-access traffic congestion index data. applied energy, 2020, 260: 114357

8. liang, x.#, zhang, s.#, wu, y.*, xing, j., he, x., zhang, k. m., wang, s., hao, j. air quality and health benefits from fleet electrification in china. nature sustainability, 2019, 2: 962-971 (自然杂志子刊)

9. he, x.#, zhang, s.#, wu, y.*, wallington, t. j., lu, x., mcelroy, m. b., tamor, m. a., zhang, k. m., nielsen, c. p., hao, j. customer and climate benefits of electric vehicles informed by individual travel patterns. environmental science & technology, 2019, 53(18): 11013-11022.

10. zhang, s., niu, t., wu, y.*, zhang, k. m., wallington, t. j., xie, q., wu, x., xu, h., zhang, l. integrating intelligent transportation system into vehicle emission management: a case study based on multi-source traffic data. environmental pollution, 2018, 241: 1027-1037

11. wu, y.#*, zhang, s.#, hao, j., liu, h., wu, x., hu, j., walsh, m. p., wallington, t. j., zhang, k. m., stevanovic, s. on-road vehicle emissions and their control in china: a review and outlook. science of the total environment, 2017, 574: 332-349 (esi高被引论文).

12. zhang, s., wu, y.*, huang, r., yan, h., zheng, y., hao, j. high-resolution simulation of link-level vehicle emissions and concentrations for air pollutants in a traffic-populated city. atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2016, 16: 9965-9981.

13. zhang, s., wu, y.*, liu, h., huang, r., yang, l., li, z., fu, l., hao, j. real-world fuel consumption and co2 emissions of urban public buses in beijing. applied energy, 2014, 113: 1645-1655 (esi 高被引论文; esi热点论文).

14. zhang, s., wu, y.*, hu j., huang, r., zhou, y., bao, x., fu, l., hao, j. can euro v heavy-duty diesel engines and alternative fuel technologies mitigate nox emissions? - new evidences from the on-road tests for buses in china. applied energy, 2014, 132: 118-126 (esi热点论文).

15. zhang, s., wu, y.*, wu, x., li, m., ge, y., liang, b., xu, y., zhou, y., liu, h., fu, l., hao, j. historic and future trends of vehicle emissions in beijing, 1998-2020: a policy assessment for the most stringent vehicle emission control program in china. atmospheric environment, 2014, 89: 216-229


1.《汽车尾气净化技术》,郭刚,徐立峰,张少君. 机械工业出版社,北京, 2017.
