1988.9 – 1992.7 吉林大学化学系物理化学 学士
1994.9 – 1997.7 中国原子能科学研究院核化学化工 硕士
1998.9 – 2001.7 中国原子能科学研究院核燃料循环与材料 博士
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pg麻将胡了模拟器链接-pg电子赏金女王模拟器试玩 > 师资队伍 > 教师 > 大气污染与控制教研所 > 正文
1988.9 – 1992.7 吉林大学化学系物理化学 学士
1994.9 – 1997.7 中国原子能科学研究院核化学化工 硕士
1998.9 – 2001.7 中国原子能科学研究院核燃料循环与材料 博士
1992.07-2001.12 中国原子能科学研究院
2002.01-2003.11 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士后
2003.12-2007.12 清华大学环境科学与工程系 (副研究员)
2007.12-2015.01 清华大学环境科学与工程系 (研究员)
2015.01-至今 清华大学环境学院 (长聘教授)
2008.03-2009.06 密歇根大学工学院 访问教授
2015.2-2015.3 澳大利亚悉尼大学 访问教授
大气污染与控制化学 (研究生)
专业实习 (留学生)
applied catalysis, b: environmental, advisory board member
journal of environmental science, advisory board member
research journal of environmental science, advisory board member
frontiers of environmental science & engineering in china,associate editor
2015.- vice chairman, ieee green power generation connections
2009 - society of automobile engineering (sae), professional membership
2005 - american chemical society (acs), member
中国化学会催化专业委员会 委员
中国化学会环境化学专业委员会 委员
中国环境学会大气环境分会 委员
中国气象学会大气化学委员会 委员
中国电力企业联合会节能环保分会 专家
致霾柴油车尾气治理纳米催化材料研究,863项目,2015-2018 ;
大气无机污染组分在近实际大气条件下对二次细粒子的贡献, 中科院战略性先导科技专项子课题(xdb05010102)2014-2017;
selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide at low temperature, nitto denko technical corporation, japan, 2015-2016;
understanding the materials and catalysis of new generation copper zeolite urea-scr for vehicle nox control, urp project, ford motor company, usa, 2011-2016;
垃圾焚烧烟气低温scr脱硝及协同去除二噁英催化剂实验室小试研究, 北京环卫集团,2013-2016;
气溶胶的环境微界面过程及灰霾成因,国家自然基金重点项目 (20437010),2009-2013;
fe/beta分子筛上氨气选择性催化还原nox反应机理及中毒机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51078203) 2011-2013
建筑材料科学技术一等奖 (2014,排名3)
环境科学技术奖一等奖 (2014,排名1)
浙江钱江特聘学者 (2014)
国家科学技术进步二等奖 (2010,排名7)
高教学校科学技术进步一等奖 (2009,排名7)
清华大学学术新人奖 (2007)
新世纪优秀人才支持计划 (2005)
清华大学优秀博士后奖 (2004)
环境催化:原理及应用,科学出版社, 科学出版社,2008.
book chapter co-authored by dr. li, “effect of highly concentrated dry (nh4)2so4 seed aerosols on ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation in aromatic hydrocarbon/nox photooxidation systems,” in atmospheric aerosols, 2009
book chapter co-authored by dr. li, “effects of inorganic seeds on secondary organic aerosol (soa) formation,” in atmospheric aerosols: regional characteristics—chemistry and physics, 2012
book chapter co-authored by dr. li, “catalytic co2 reforming of methane over perovskite noble metals,” in advanced materials research: progress in environmental science and engineering, parts 1-5, 2012
1. yue peng, wenzhe si, xiang li, jianjun chen, junhua li, john crittenden, jiming hao. investigation of the poisoning mechanism of lead on the ceo2—wo3 catalyst for the nh3–scr reaction via in situ ir and raman spectroscopy measurement[j]. environmental science & technology, 2016,50(17):9576-9582
2. yue peng, wenzhe si, xiang li, jinming luo, junhua li, john crittenden, jiming hao. comparison of moo3 and wo3 on arsenic poisoning v2o5/tio2 catalyst: drifts and dft study[j]. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2016,181:692-698
3. tao zhang, feng qiu, junhua li. design and synthesis of core-shell structured aluminosilicate catalyst for scr of nox with nh3: enhancement of activity, hydrothermal stability and propene poisoning resistance[j]. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2016,195:48-58
4. shen zhao, fangyun hu, junhua li. hierarchical core–shell microspheres for low-temperature toluene combustion[j]. acs catalysis, 2016,6(6):3433-3441
5. wenzhe si, yu wang, yue peng, junhua li. selective dissolution of a-site cations in abo3 perovskites: a new path to high-performance catalysts[j]. angewandte chemie international edition, 2015,54(27):7954-7957
6. b bai, j.h. li*, j hao.1d-mno2, 2d-mno2 and 3d-mno2 for low-temperature oxidation of ethanol. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2015, 164, 241-250.
7. y peng, j li*, w si, j luo, y wang, j fu, x li, j crittenden, j hao. deactivation and regeneration of a commercial scr catalyst: comparison with alkali metals and arsenic. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2015, 168: 195-202.
8. y peng, j.h. li*, w si, j luo, q dai, x luo, x liu, j hao. new insight into deactivation of commercial scr catalyst by arsenic: an experiment and dft study. environmental science & technology, 2014, 48 (23): 13895–13900.
9. l ma, y cheng, g cavataio, rw mccabe, l fu, j li*. in situ drifts and temperature-programmed technology study on nh3-scr of no over cu-ssz-13 and cu-sapo-34 catalysts. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2014, 156, 428-437.
10. b.y., j.h. li*. positive effects of k ions on three-dimensional mesoporous ag/co3o4 catalyst for hcho oxidation. acs catal., 2014, 4 (8): 2753–2762.
11. h.z. chang, j.h. li* et. al. a novel mechanism for poisoning of metal oxide scr catalysts: base-acid explanation correlated with redox properties. chem. commun., 2014, 50: 10031-10034.
12. z.m. liu, s.x. zhang, j.h. li. novel v2o5-ceo2/tio2 catalyst with low vanadium loading for the selective catalytic reduction of nox by nh3. appl. catal. b- environ., 2014, 158: 11-19.
13. s.j. yang, s.c. xiong, y. liao, f.h. qi, x. xiao, y. peng, y.w. fu, w.p. shan, j.h. li. mechanism of n2o formation during the low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of no with nh3 over mn-fe spinel. environ. sci. technol. 2014, 48: 10354-10362.
14. peng y; wang cz; li jh. structure-activity relationship of vox/ceo2 nanorod for no removal with ammonia. appl. catal. b-environ. 2014, 144: 538-546.
15. l. ma; y.s. cheng; c. giovanni; r.w. mccabe; l.x. fu; j.h. li. in situ drifts and temperature-programmed technology study on nh3-scr of nox over cu-ssz-13 and cu-sapo-34 catalysts appl. catal. b-environ., 2014, 156, 428-437.
16. liu zm; zhang sx; li jh; ma ll. promoting effect of moo3 on the nox reduction by nh3 over ceo2/tio2 catalyst studied with in situ drifts. appl. catal. b-environ. 2014, 144: 90-95.
17. ma, l; wang, ds; li, jh; bai, by; fu, lx; li, yd. ag/ceo2 nanospheres: efficient catalysts for formaldehyde oxidation. appl. catal. b-environ., 2014, 148, 36-43.
18. peng, y; li, jh; huang, x; li, x; su, wk; sun, xx; wang, dz; hao, jm. deactivation mechanism of potassium on the v2o5/ceo2 catalysts for scr reaction: acidity, reducibility and adsorbed-nox. environ. sci. technol. 2014, 48: 4515-4520
19. b.y. bai, h. arandiyan, j.h. li. comparison of the performance for oxidation of formaldehyde on nano-co3o4, 2d-co3o4, and 3d-co3o4 catalysts. appl. catal. b-environ. 2013, 142, 677-683.
20. h. arandiyan, h.x. dai, j.g. deng, y.x. liu, b.y. bai, y. wang, x.w. li, s.h. xie, j.h. li. three-dimensionally ordered macroporous la0.6sr0.4mno3 with high surface areas: active catalysts for the combustion of methane. j. catal. 2013, 307, 327-339.
21. h. arandiyan, h.x. dai, j.g. deng, y. wang, s.h. xie, j.h. li. dual-templating synthesis of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous la0.6sr0.4mno3-supported ag nanoparticles: controllable alignments and super performance for the catalytic combustion of methane. chem. commun. 2013, 49, (91), 10748-10750.
22. h.z. chang, x.y. chen, j.h. li, l. ma, c.z. wang, c.x. liu, j.w. schwank, j.m. hao. improvement of activity and so2 tolerance of sn-modified mnox-ceo2 catalysts for nh3-scr at low temperatures. environ. sci. technol. 2013, 47, (10), 5294-5301.
23. h.z. chang, m.t. jong, c.z. wang, r.y. rui, y. du, j.h. lim. hao. design strategies for p-containing fuels adaptable ceo2-moo3 catalysts for deno(x): significance of phosphorus resistance and n-2 selectivity. environ. sci. technol. 2013, 47, (20), 11692-11699.
24. z.m. liu, y. yi, j.h. li, s.i. woo, wang, b. y., x.z. cao, z.x. li. a superior catalyst with dual redox cycles for the selective reduction of nox by ammonia. chem. commun. 2013, 49, (70), 7726-7728.
25. y. peng, k.h, j.h. li. identification of the active sites on ceo2-wo3 catalysts for scr of nox with nh3: an in situ ir and raman spectroscopy study. appl. catal. b-environ. 2013, 140, 483-492.
26. y. peng, c.x. liu, x.y. zhang, j.h. li. the effect of sio2 on a novel ceo2-wo3/tio2 catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of no with nh3. appl. catal. b-environ. 2013, 140, 276-282.
27. y. peng, r.y. rui, x.y. zhang, j.h. li. the relationship between structure and activity of moo3-ceo2 catalysts for no removal: influences of acidity and reducibility. chem. commun. 2013, 49, (55), 6215-6217.
28. r.y. rui, x. gao, k.f. cen, j.h. li. relationship between structure and performance of a novel cerium-niobium binary oxide catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of no with nh3. appl. catal. b-environ. 2013, 142, 290-297.
29. peng y., li j., shi w., xu j., hao j. design strategies for development of scr catalyst: improvement of alkali poisoning resistance and novel regeneration method. environ. sci. technol., 2012, 46(22): 12623-12629.
30. liu caixia, chen liang, li junhua, ma lei, arandiyan hamidreza, du yu, xu jiayu, hao, jiming. enhancement of activity and sulfur resistance of ceo2 supported on tio2-sio2 for the selective catalytic reduction of no by nh3. environ. sci. technol., 2012, 46: 6182-6189.
31. lei ma, junhua li, yisun cheng, christine k. lambert, and lixin fu. propene poisoning on three typical fe-zeolites for scr of nox with nh3: from mechanism study to coating modified architecture. environ. sci. technol., 2012, 46 (3): 1747–1754.
32. yue peng, junhua li, liang chen, jinghuan chen, jian han, he zhang, and wei han. alkali metal poisoning of a ceo2–wo3 catalyst used in the selective catalytic reduction of nox with nh3: an experimental and theoretical study. environ. sci. technol., 2012, 46 (5): 2864–2869.
33. yang shijian, li junhua, wang chizhong, chen jinghuan, ma lei, chang huazheng, chen liang, peng yue, yan naiqiang,. fe-ti spinel for the selective catalytic reduction of no with nh3: mechanism and structure-activity relationship. applied catalysis b: environm, 2012, 117: 73-80.
34. liu zhiming, li junhua, woo, seong ihl. recent advances in the selective catalytic reduction of nox by hydrogen in the presence of oxygen, energy & environmental science, 2012, 5(10): 8799-8814.
35. huang, zhiwei, gu xiao, cao qingqing, hu, pingping, hao, jiming, li, junhua, tang xingfu. catalytically active single-atom sites fabricated from silver particles. angewandte chemie-international edition. 2012, 51: 4198-4203.
36. jinghuan chen, wenbo shi, xueying zhang, hamidreza arandiyan, dongfang li, and junhua li. roles of li and zr4 cations in the catalytic performances of co1–xmxcr2o4 (m = li, zr; x = 0–0.2) for methane combustion. environ. sci. technol., 2011, 45 (19): 8491–8497.
37. yang shijian, wang chizhong, li junhua, yan naiqiang, ma lei, chang huazheng. low temperature selective catalytic reduction of no with nh(3) over mn-fe spinel: performance, mechanism and kinetic study. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2011, 110: 71-80.
38. jinghuan chen, wenbo shi, shijian yang, hamidreza arandiyan, and junhua li. distinguished roles with various vanadium loadings of cocr2–xvxo4 (x = 0–0.20) for methane combustion. j. phys. chem. c, 2011, 115 (35): 17400–17408.
39. lei ma, junhua li, rui ke, lixin fu. catalytic performance, characterization, and mechanism study of fe2(so4)3/tio2 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of nox by ammonia. journal of physical chemistry c 2011, 115 (15), 7603-7612.
40. liang chen, junhua li, and maofa ge. drift study on cerium?tungsten/titiania catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of nox with nh3. environ. sci. technol., 2010, 44 (24), 9590–9596.
41. li j h, wang r h, hao j m. role of lattice oxygen and lewis acid on ethanol oxidation over oms-2 catalyst. j. phys. chem. c, 2010, 144(23), 10544-10550.
42. wang r h, li j h. effects of precursor and sulfation on oms-2 catalyst for oxidation of ethanol and acetaldehyde at low temperatures. environ. sci. technol., 2010, 44 (11), 4282–4287.
43. junhua li, ronghai zhu, yisun cheng, christine k. lambert, ralph t. yang mechanism of propene poisoning on fe-zsm-5 for selective catalytic reduction of nox with ammonia, environmental science and technology, environ. sci. technol., 2010, 44 (5) 1799–1805.
44. tang, xf; li, jh; sun l, hao, jm. origination of n2o from no reduction by nh3 over beta-mno2 and alpha-mn2o3. appl. catal. b: environm., 2010,99, 156-162
45. liang chen, junhua li*, mafa ge, promotional effect of ce-doped v2o5-wo3/tio2 with low vanadium loadings for selective catalytic reduction of nox by nh3. j. phys. chem. c, 2009, 113, 21177–21184.
46. junhua li, woo huang goh, xuechang yang, ralph t. yang. non-thermal plasma-assisted catalytic nox storage over pt/ba/al2o3 at low temperatures. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2009,vol.90, 360-367.
47. guohua jing, junhua li, dong yang, jiming hao. promotional mechanism of tungstation on selective catalytic reduction of nox by methane over in/wo3/zro2. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2009,vol.91, 123-134.
48. junhua li, xi liang, shicheng xu, jiming hao. manganese-doped cobalt oxides on methane combustion at low temperature. applied catalysis b environmental, applied catalysis b: environmental, 2009,vol.90, 307-312.
1) 李俊华, 常化振, 邵元凯, 魏进超, 郝吉明. 一种脱硝脱硫活性炭催化剂再生方法, 中国, zl 201410458228.5;
2) 李俊华,?彭悦,?李柯志,?郝吉明. 一种有效抑制so2氧化的脱硝催化剂的制备方法, 中国, zl201410153821.9;
3) 王坤, 楚碧武, 李俊华, 郝吉明, 蒋靖坤. 一种串联差分电迁移率测量仪及其测量方法, 中国, zl 201310176435.7;
4) 李俊华, 马磊, 傅立新, 郝吉明. fe和cu复合分子筛催化剂的制备方法及应用, 中国, zl 201210532005.x;
5) 李俊华,黄旭,彭悦,关立军,王子腾,郝吉明. 一种用于低温烟气脱硝的环型scr反应器,zl 201420614789.5;
6) 李俊华,黄旭,彭悦,关立军,王子腾,郝吉明. 一种用于低温烟气脱硝的箱式侧流反应器,zl 201420614774.9;
7) 李俊华,陈景欢,李冬芳,郝吉明。用于天然气尾气甲烷净化的分子筛催化剂制备及应用。专利号:zl 201210078645.8;
8) 李俊华,陈景欢,李冬芳,郝吉明。一种用于甲烷低温氧化反应的整体式催化剂及其制备,专利号:zl 201210080375.4;
9) 李俊华,常化振,郝吉明. 一种新型氧化铈脱硝催化剂及其制备方法.中国, zl 2012105728143;
10) 李俊华,马磊,傅立新,郝吉明. fe和cu复合分子筛催化剂的制备方法及应用.中国, zl 201210532005.x;
11) 李俊华,陈景欢,李冬芳,郝吉明.用于天然气尾气甲烷净化的分子筛催化剂制备及应用.中国, zl 201210078645.8;
12) 李俊华,陈景欢,李冬芳,郝吉明.一种用于甲烷低温氧化反应的整体式催化剂及其制备.中国, zl 201210080375.4;
13) 李冬芳,陈景欢,郝吉明.负载型复合co3o4/ceo2-al2o3/堇青石催化剂,制备方法.中国, zl 201210082622.4;
14) 李俊华,汪俊,陈亮,许嘉钰,郝吉明.一种v2o5-wo3/tio2催化剂碱金属中毒后的再生方法.中国,zl 201110071623.4;
15) 李俊华,陈亮,葛茂发,许嘉钰,乌吉丹,汪俊. 一种以钛硅复合氧化物为载体的铈基脱硝催化剂及其制备和应用.中国,zl 201110024615.4;
16) 李俊华,陈亮,葛茂发, 郝吉明. 一种中低温抗硫型铈钨复合氧化物脱硝催化剂.中国,zl 201110027215.9;
17) 李俊华,马磊,李东玲,傅立新. 铜基分子筛催化剂及其制备方法. zl 201010511126.7;
18) 李俊华,常化振,郝吉明. 一种锰基低温脱硝催化剂及其制备方法.,zl201010223099.3;
19) 段雷,万奇,贺克斌,陈亮,李俊华. 一种用于燃煤电厂烟气单质汞氧化的催化剂及其制备方法.中国,zl 201010176293.0;
20) 李俊华,陈亮,郝吉明. 一种低钒脱硝催化剂及其制备方法和应用,国家发明专利.中国, zl 200910087773.7;
21) 李俊华, 王仁虎, 郝吉明. 八面体锰氧化物分子筛催化剂的制备方法.中国,zl 200910024337.5;
22) 李俊华, 马磊, 郝吉明, 傅立新. 一种fe分子筛复合催化剂及其制备方法.中国,zl 200910024336.0;
23) 李俊华, 王仁虎, 郝吉明. 一种负载金属氧化物的分子筛催化剂及其制备方法.中国,zl 200910024338.x;
24) 李俊华,陈亮,郝吉明. 一种铈基脱硝催化剂及其制备方法.中国,zl 200910219534.2;
25) 康守方,李俊华,傅立新. 稀燃汽油车尾气排放nox净化催化剂制备方法.中国,zl 0510086550.0;
26) 李俊华,郝吉明,傅立新, 朱天乐.富氧条件下在双床组合催化剂体系中还原no的方法.中国,zl 03102406.8;
27) 朱天乐,郝吉明,傅立新,李俊华. 一种室内空气净化方法.中国,zl 03100288.9;
28) 朱天乐,郝吉明,傅立新,王建昕,李俊华,刘志明,崔翔宇. 一种贫燃型车用发动机尾气催化净化方法.中国,zl 03140511.8.
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