2004.09-2009.01 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士
2000.09-2004.07 清华大学环境科学与工程系 学士
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pg麻将胡了模拟器链接-pg电子赏金女王模拟器试玩 > 师资队伍 > 教师 > 大气污染与控制教研所 > 正文
2004.09-2009.01 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士
2000.09-2004.07 清华大学环境科学与工程系 学士
2021.12–至今 清华大学环境学院,长聘教授
2019.02–2021.12 清华大学环境学院,长聘副教授
2013.12–2019.02 清华大学环境学院,副教授
2010.11–2013.11 清华大学环境学院,讲师/助理研究员
2009.02–2010.09 美国加州大学河滨分校、国际可持续系统研究中心,博士后
2021.08- 中国学术期刊journal of environmental sciences,青年编委
2020.10- 美国化学学会期刊environmental science & technology engineering,青年编委
2020.08- 英国皇家物理学会期刊environmental research infrastructure & sustainability,编委
2019.01- journal of environmental sciences特刊、journal of industrial ecology特刊、atmospheric chemistry and physics与ocean science联合特刊,客座编辑
2021.05- international global atmospheric chemistry (igac) project,青年委员
2021.02- 第一届全国碳中和与绿色发展大会学术委员会,副主任委员
2020.06- 全球环境基金“中国货运系统高效绿色发展制度体系构建项目”,专家
2019.08- 欧盟地平线h2020项目emerge,顾问委员
2018.09- 英国自然环境研究理事会 (nerc),函评专家
2018.02- 中国清洁交通伙伴关系 (cctp),执委会委员
2017.06- 中国环境科学学会挥发性有机物污染防治专业委员会、臭氧污染控制专业委员会、青年科学家分会,委员
1. 构建多尺度交通排放表征模型
2. 建立交通源与大气环境效应的耦合模拟解析方法
3. 构建基于驱动力/供应链关联的交通排放调控方案和全球减排框架
1. 基于高分辨率大气环境模拟及感知系统的交通与城市大气环境研究,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作交流项目(中英人才基金),2020-2022
2. 交通运输源排放表征及多尺度大气环境影响,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,2019-2021
3. 基于链状行为的道路移动源vocs全过程排放模拟研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016-2019
4. 渤海区域船舶多污染物排放清单研究,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,2016-2018
5. 基于排放约束的交通流优化演化算法研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,2012-2014
6. 区域动态高时空分辨率大气污染源排放清单,大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目,2017-2019
7. 攻关项目成果集成与应用示范,大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目,2017-2019
8. 精细网格大气动态污染源清单技术研发及应用示范,国家重点研发计划,2017-2019
9. 北京市交通源对 pm2.5影响解析及控制策略研究,北京市科技新星计划,2018-2020
10. 船舶排放对大气氧化性的影响,环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,2020-2022
11. 船舶排放颗粒物pems测试系统研发及源谱特征识别,环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,2016-2018
12. 臭氧大气健康基准文件,中国环境科学研究院,2016-2017
13. 车载诊断和油气回收系统在机动车排放监管中的应用研究,公益性行业科研专项,2014-2016
14. 冬季中国污染区域pm2.5的研究,日本丰田汽车公司,2019-2020
2020,牛顿高级学者基金(newton advanced fellowship)
1. lv, z.#; wang, x.#; deng, f.; ying, q.; archibald, a.; l.jones, r.; ding, y.; cheng, y.; fu, m.; liu, y.; man, h.; xue, z.; he, k.; hao, j.; liu, h.*. source–receptor relationship revealed by the halted traffic and aggravated haze in beijing during the covid-19 lockdown. environmental science & technology 2020, 54(24): 15660–15670.
2. deng, f.; lv, z.; qi, l.; wang, x.; shi, m.; liu, h.*. a big data approach to improving the vehicle emission inventory in china. nature communications 2020, 11: 2801.
3. liu, h.*; meng, z.; lv, z.; wang, x.; deng, f.; liu,y.; zhang, y.; shi, m.; zhang, q.*; he, k.*. emissions and health impacts from global shipping embodied in us–china bilateral trade. nature sustainability 2019, 2(11): 1027–1033.
4. li, m.#; liu, h.#; geng, g.; hong, c.; liu, f.; song, y.; tong, d.; zheng, b.; cui, h.; man, h.; zhang, q.*; he, k.*. anthropogenic emission inventories in china: a review. national science review 2017, 4(6): 834-866.
5. liu, h.*; fu, m.; jin, x.; shang, y.; shindell, d.*; faluvegi, g.; shindell, c.; he, k.*. health and climate impacts of ocean-going vessels in east asia. nature climate change 2016, 6(11): 1037-1041.
1. qi, l.#; zhao, j#.; li q.; su,s.; lai,y.; deng, f.; man, h; wang, x.; shen, x.; lin, y.; ding,y.*; liu, h.*. primary organic gas emissions from gasoline vehicles in china: factors, composition and trends. environmental pollution 2021, 290, 117984.
2. 刘欢*, 吕兆丰, 贺克斌.交通与雾霾的源受体关系新认识——“疫情霾”的启发[j].科学通报,2021,66(20):2498-2500.
3. qi, l.; zhang, z.; wang, x.; deng, f.; zhao, j.; liu, h.*. molecular characterization of atmospheric particulate organosulfates in a port environment using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry: identification of traffic emissions. journal of hazardous materials 2021, 419, 126431.
4. zhang, z.; man, h.; qi, l.; wang, x.; liu, h.*; zhao, j.; wang, h.; jing, s.; he, t.; wang, s.; he, k.. measurement and minutely-resolved source apportionment of ambient vocs in a corridor city during 2019 china international import expo episode. science of the total environment 2021, 798, 149375.
5. liu, h.*; huang, f.; deng, f.; luo, z.; zhao, h.; he, k.. road freight emission in china: from supply chain perspective. environmental pollution 2021, 285, 117511.
6. wang, y.; shi m.; lv, z.; liu, h.*; he, k.. local and regional contributions to pm2.5 in the beijing 2022 winter olympics infrastructure areas during haze episodes. frontiers of environmental science & engineering 2021, 15(6), 140.
7. cai, w.#; zhang, c.#; suen, h.#; ai, s.; bai, y.; bao, j.; chen, b.; cheng, l.; cui, x.; dai, h.; di, q.; dong, w.; dou, d.; fan, w.; fan, x.; gao, t.; geng, y.; guan, d.; guo, y.; hu, y.; hua, j.; huang, c.; huang, h.; huang, j.; jiang, t.; jiao, k.; kiesewetter, g.; klimont, z.; lampard, p.; li, c.; li, q.; li, r.; li, t.; lin, b.; lin, h.; liu, h.; liu, q.; liu, x.; liu, y.; liu, z.; liu, z.; liu, z.; lou, s.; lu, c.; luo, y.; ma, w.; mcgushin, a.; niu, y.; ren, c.; ren, z.; ruan, z.; schöpp, w.; su, j.; tu, y.; wang, j.; wang, q.; wang, y.; wang, y.; watts, n.; xiao, c.; xie, y.; xiong, h.; xu, m.; xu, b.; xu, l.; yang, j.; yang, l.; yu, l.; yue, y.; zhang, s.; zhang, z.; zhao, j.; zhao, l.; zhao, m.; zhao, z.; zhou, j.; gong, p.*. the 2020 china report of the lancet countdown on health and climate change. lancet pubilc health 2021,6(1): 64-81.
8. wu, y.; liu, d.*; wang, x.; li, s.; zhang, j.; qiu, h.; ding, s.; hu, k.; li, w.; tian, p.; liu, q.; zhao, d.; ma, e.; chen, m.; xu, h.; ouyang, b.; chen, y.; kong, s.; ge, x.; liu, h.. ambient marine shipping emissions determined by vessel operation mode along the east china sea. science of the total environment 2021, 769, 144713.
9. wu, li; ling, z.*; liu, h.; shao, m.; lu, s.; wu, l.; wang, x.*. a gridded emission inventory of semi-volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds in china. science of the total environment 2021, 143295.
10. lv, z.#; wang, x.#; deng, f.; ying, q.; archibaldc, a. t.; l.jones, r., ding, y., cheng, y.; fu, m.; liu, y.; man, h.g; xue, z.; he,k.; hao, j.; liu, h.*. source–receptor relationship revealed by the halted traffic and aggravated haze in beijing during the covid-19 lockdown. environmental science & technology 2020, 54(24): 15660–15670.
11. luo, z.; huang, f.; liu, h.*. pm2.5 concentration estimation using convolutional neural network and gradient boosting machine. journal of environmental sciences 2020, 98: 85-93.
12. deng, f.; lv, z.; qi, l.; wang, x.; shi, m.; liu, h.*. a big data approach to improving the vehicle emission inventory in china. nature communications 2020, 11, 2801.
13. liu, h.*; qi, l.; liang c.; deng f.; man, h.; he, k.. how aging process changes characteristics of vehicle emissions? a review. critical reviews in environmental science & technology 2020, 50(17): 1796-1828.
14. man h.; liu, h*.; niu, h.; wang, k.; deng, f.; wang, x.; xiao, q.; hao, j.. vocs evaporative emissions from vehicles in china: species characteristics of different emission processes. environmental science and ecotechnology 2020, 1, 100002.
15. liu, h.*; meng, z.; lv, z.; wang, x.; deng, f.; liu,y., zhang, y.; shi, m.; zhang, q.*; he, k.*. emissions and health impacts from global shipping embodied in us–china bilateral trade. nature sustainability 2019, 2: 1027–1033.
16. qi, l.; liu, h.*; shen, x.; fu, m.; huang, f.; man, h.; deng, f.; shaikh, a.; wang, x.; dong, r.; song, c.; he, k.. intermediate-volatility organic compound emissions from nonroad construction machinery under different operation modes. environmental science & technology 2019, 53(23): 13832-13840.
17. zhang, y.; deng, f.; man, h.; fu, m.; lv, z.; xiao, q.; jin, x.; liu, s.; he, k.; liu, h.*. compliance and port air quality features with respect to ship fuel switching regulation: a field observation campaign, seiso-bohai. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2019, 19: 4899-4916.
18. zhang, f.; chen y.*; cui, m.; feng,y.; yang, x.; chen, j.; zhang, y.; gao, h.; tian, c.; matthiash, v.; liu, h.*. emission factors and environmental implication of organic pollutants in pm emitted from various vessels in china. atmospheric environment 2019, 200: 302-311.
19. kang, m.; guo, h.; wang, p.; fu, p.; ying, q.; liu, h.; zhao, y.*; zhang, h.*. characterization and source apportionment of marine aerosols over the east china sea. science of the total environment 2019, 651: 2679-2688.
20. wu, x.; zhang, s.; guo, x,; yang, z.; liu, j.; he, l.; zheng, x.; han, l.; liu, h.; wu, y.*. assessment of ethanol blended fuels for gasoline vehicles in china: fuel economy, regulated gaseous pollutants and particulate matter. environmental pollution 2019, 253: 731-740.
21. shi, z.*; vu, t.; kotthaus, s.; harrison, r.; grimmond, s.; yue, s.; zhu, t.; lee, j.; han, y.; demuzere, m.; dunmore, r.; ren, l.; liu, d.; wang, y.; wild, o.; allan, j.; acton, w.; barlow, j.; barratt, b.; beddows, d.; bloss, w.; calzolai, g.; carruthers, d.; carslaw, d.; chan, q.; chatzidiakou, l.; chen, y.; crilley, l.; coe, h.; dai, t.; doherty, r.; duan, f.; fu, p.; ge, b.; ge, m.; guan, d.; hamilton, j.; he, k.; heal, m.; heard, d.; hewitt, c. ; hollaway, m.; hu, m.; ji, d.; jiang, x.; jones, r.; kalberer, m.; kelly, f.; kramer, l.; langford, b.; lin, c.; lewis, a.; li, j.; li, w.; liu, h.; liu, j.; loh, m.; lu, k.; lucarelli, f.; mann, g.; mcfiggans, g.; miller, m.; mills, g.; monk, p.; nemitz, e.; o'connor, f.; ouyang, b.; palmer, p.; percival, c.; popoola, o.; reeves, c.; rickard, a..; shao, l.; shi, g.; spracklen, d.; stevenson, d.; sun, y.; sun, z.; tao, s.; tong, s.; wang, q.; wang, w.; wang, x.; wang, x.; wang, z.; wei, l.; whalley, l.; wu, x.; wu, z.; xie, p.; yang, f.; zhang, q.; zhang, y.; zhang, y.; zheng, m.. introduction to the special issue "in-depth study of air pollution sources and processes within beijing and its surrounding region (aphh-beijing)". atmospheric chemistry & physics 2019, 19, 11: 7519-7546.
22. zhang, j.; gao, y.*; leung, l.; luo, k*; liu, h.; lamarque, j.; fan, j.; yao, x.; gao, h.; nagashima, t.. impacts of climate change and emissions on atmospheric oxidized nitrogen deposition over east asia. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2019, 19(2): 887-900.
23. lv, z.; liu, h.*; ying, q.; fu, m.; meng, z.; wang, y.,wei, w.; guo, h.; he, k.. impacts of shipping emissions on pm2.5 pollution in china. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2018, 18(21): 15811-15824.
24. li, j.; liu, h.*; lv, z.; zhao, r.; deng, f.; wang, c.; qin, a.;yang, x.. estimation of pm2.5 mortality burden in china with new exposure estimation and local concentration-response function. environmental pollution 2018, 243: 1710-1718.
25. liu, h.*; liu, s.; xue, b.; lv, z.; meng, z.; yang, x.; xue, t.; yu, q.; he, k.. ground-level ozone pollution and its health impacts in china. atmospheric environment 2018, 173: 223-230.
26. liu, h.*; jin, x.; wu, l.; wang, x. *; fu, m.; lv, z.; morawska, l.; huang, f.; he, k.. the impact of marine shipping and its deca control on air quality in the pearl river delta, china. science of the total environment 2018, 625: 1476-1485.
27. liu, h.*; meng, z.; shang, y.; lv, z.; jin, x.; fu, m.; he, k.. shipping emission forecasts and cost-benefit analysis of china ports and key regions' control. environmental pollution (barking, essex: 1987) 2018, 236: 49-59.
28. man, h.; liu, h.*; xiao, q.; deng, f.; yu, q.; wang, k.; yang, z.; wu, y.; he, k.; hao, j.. how ethanol and gasoline formula changes evaporative emissions of the vehicles. applied energy 2018, 222: 584-594.
29. xiao, q.#; li, m.#; liu, h.*; fu, m.; deng, f.; lv, z.; man, h.; jin, x.; liu, s.; he, k.. characteristics of marine shipping emissions at berth: profiles for particulate matter and volatile organic compounds. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2018, 18 (13): 9527-9545.
30. zhang, y.; loh, c.; louie, p.; liu, h.; lau, a. k. h.*. the roles of scientific research and stakeholder engagement for evidence-based policy formulation on shipping emissions control in hong kong. journal of environmental management 2018, 223: 49-56.
31. wei, w.*; lv, z.; li, y.; wang, l.; cheng, s.; liu, h.. a wrf-chem model study of the impact of vocs emission of a huge petrochemical industrial zone on the summertime ozone in beijing, china. atmospheric environment 2018, 175: 44-53.
32. 付明亮, 刘欢*, 贺克斌. 实际工况下内河航行船舶nox排放测试与分析研究[j].环境工程学报,2018, 12(4): 1065-1070.
33. 刘欢*, 商轶, 金欣欣, 付明亮. 船舶排放清单研究方法及进展[j].环境科学学报, 2018, 38(1): 1-12.
34. 刘旭艳, 刘欢*, 张强, 贺克斌, 洪朝鹏, 邓梵渊, 张倩倩, 梁林林, 张兴赢, 李肖霞. 不利风向条件下北部湾人为源对海口市pm2.5浓度影响的模拟研究[j].环境科学学报,2018, 38(08): 3197-3209.
35. li, m.#; liu, h.#; geng, g.; hong, c.; liu, f.; song, y.; tong, d.; zheng, b.; cui, h.; man, h.; zhang, q.*; he, k.*. anthropogenic emission inventories in china: a review. national science review 2017, 4 (6): 834-866.
36. yang, x.; zheng, y.; geng, g.; liu, h.*; man, h.; lv, z.; he, k.; de hoogh, k.. development of pm2.5 and no2 models in a lur framework incorporating satellite remote sensing and air quality model data in pearl river delta region, china. environmental pollution 2017, 226: 143-153.
37. fu, m.; liu, h.*; jin, x.; he, k.. national- to port-level inventories of shipping emissions in china. environmental research letters 2017, 12, 114024.
38. liu, h.*; man, h.; cui, h.; wang, y.; deng, f.; wang, y.; yang, x.; xiao, q.; zhang, q.; ding, y.; he, k.. an updated emission inventory of vehicular vocs and ivocs in china. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2017, 17 (20): 12709-12724.
39. shen, x.; yao, z.*; he, k.*; cao, x.; liu, h.. the construction and application of a multipoint sampling system for vehicle exhaust plumes. aerosol and air quality research 2017, 17 (7): 1705-1716.
40. wu, y.#*; zhang, s.#; hao, j.; liu, h.; wu, x.; hu, j.; walsh, m. p.; wallington, t.; zhang, k.; stevanovic, s.. on-road vehicle emissions and their control in china: a review and outlook. science of the total environment 2017, 574: 332-349.
41. liu, h.*; fu, m.; jin, x.; shang, y.; shindell, d.*; faluvegi, g.; shindell, c.; he, k.*. health and climate impacts of ocean-going vessels in east asia. nature climate change 2016, 6 (11): 1037-1042.
42. yang, x.; liu, h.*; he, k.. the significant impacts on traffic and emissions of ferrying children to school in beijing. transportation research part d-transport and environment 2016, 47: 265-275.
43. pei, b.; cui, h.; liu, h.*; yan, n.*. chemical characteristics of fine particulate matter emitted from commercial cooking. frontiers of environmental science & engineering 2016, 10(3): 559-568.
44. liang, c.; liu, h.*; he, k.*; ma, y.. assessment of regional air quality by a concentration-dependent pollution permeation index. scientific reports 2016, 6, 34891.
45. liu, h.; he, k.*. china keeps carrying forward the key special project of "air pollution causes and control". frontiers of environmental science & engineering 2016, 10(5), 18.
46. wu, x.; wu, y.*; zhang, s.*; liu, h.; fu, l.; hao, j.. assessment of vehicle emission programs in china during 1998-2013: achievement, challenges and implications. environmental pollution 2016, 214: 556-567.
47. liu, h.*; man, h.; tschantz, m.; wu, y.; he, k.; hao, j.. voc from vehicular evaporation emissions: status and control strategy. environmental science & technology 2015, 49(24): 14424-14431.
48. yang, x.; liu, h.*; man, h.; he, k.. characterization of road freight transportation and its impact on the national emission inventory in china. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2015, 15(4): 2105-2118.
49. cui, h.; chen, w.; dai, w.; liu, h.*; wang, x.*; he, k.*. source apportionment of pm2.5 in guangzhou combining observation data analysis and chemical transport model simulation. atmospheric environment 2015, 116: 262-271.
50. zhang, y.; yao, z.; shen, x.; liu, h.*; he, k.*. chemical characterization of pm2.5 emitted from on-road heavy-duty diesel trucks in china. atmospheric environment 2015, 122: 885-891.
51. yang, x.; liu, h.*; cui, h.; man, h.; fu, m.; hao, l.; he, k.. vehicular volatile organic compounds losses due to refueling and diurnal process in china: 2010-2050. journal of environmental sciences 2015, 33: 88-96.
52. zheng, x.; wu, y.*; jiang, j.; zhang, s.; liu, h.; song, s.; li, z.; fan, x.; fu, l.; hao, j.. characteristics of on-road diesel vehicles: black carbon emissions in chinese cities based on portable emissions measurement. environmental science & technology 2015, 49(22): 13492-13500.
53. guo, j.; liu, h.*; jiang, y.; he, d.; wang, q.; meng, f.; he, k.*. neighborhood form and co2 emission: evidence from 23 neighborhoods in jinan, china. frontiers of environmental science & engineering 2014, 8(1): 79-88.
54. zhang, s.; wu, y.*; liu, h.; huang, r.; yang, l.; li, z.; fu, l.; hao, j.. real-world fuel consumption and co2 emissions of urban public buses in beijing. appled energy 2014, 113: 1645-1655.
55. zheng, b.; huo, h.; zhang, q.*; yao, z.; wang, x.; yang, x.; liu, h.; he, k.*. high-resolution mapping of vehicle emissions in china in 2008. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2014, 14(18): 9787-9805.
56. shen, x.; yao, z.; huo, h.; he, k.*; zhang, y.; liu, h.; ye, y.. pm2.5 emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles in beijing, china. science of the total environment 2014, 487: 521-527.
57. zhang, s.; wu, y.*; wu, x.; li, m.; ge, y.; liang, b.; xu, y.; zhou, y.; liu, h.; fu, l.; hao, j.. historic and future trends of vehicle emissions in beijing, 1998-2020: a policy assessment for the most stringent vehicle emission control program in china. atmospheric environment 2014, 89: 216-229.
58. zhang, s.; wu, y.*; liu, h.; huang, r.; un, p.; zhou, y.; fu, l.; hao, j.. real-world fuel consumption and co2 (carbon dioxide) emissions by driving conditions for light-duty passenger vehicles in china. energy 2014, 69: 247-257.
59. 李勇, 李振宇, 江玉林, 刘欢*. 借鉴国际经验探讨城市交通治污减霾策略[j]. 环境保护, 2014, 42(2-3):75-77.
60. he, d.*; liu, h.*; he, k.; meng, f.; jiang, y.; wang, m.; zhou, j.; calthorpe, p.; guo, j.; yao, z.; wang, q.. energy use of, and co2 emissions from china's urban passenger transportation sector-carbon mitigation scenarios upon the transportation mode choices. transportation research part a: policy and practice 2013, 53: 53-67.
61. liu, h.; wang, x.*; pang, j.; he, k.*. feasibility and difficulties of china's new air quality standard compliance: prd case of pm2.5 and ozone from 2010 to 2025. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2013, 13(23): 12013-12027.
62. liu, h.; wang, x.*; zhang, j.; he, k.*; wu, y.; xu, j.. emission controls and changes in air quality in guangzhou during the asian games. atmospheric environment 2013, 76: 81-93.
63. liu, h.; rönkkö, t.*; keskinen, j.. impact of vehicle development and fuel quality on exhaust nanoparticle emissions of traffic, environmental science & technology 2013, 47(15): 8091-8092.
64. fu, x.; wang, s.*; zhao, b.; xing, j.; cheng, z.; liu, h.; hao, j.. emission inventory of primary pollutants and chemical speciation in 2010 for the yangtze river delta region, china. atmospheric environment 2013, 70: 39-50.
65. zhao, b.; wang, s.*; liu, h.; xu, j.; fu, k.; klimont, z.; hao, j.; he, k.; cofala, j.; amann, m.. nox emissions in china: historical trends and future perspectives. atmospheric chemistry & physics 2013, 13(19): 9869-9897.
66. zhang, s.; wu, y.*; liu, h.; wu, x.; zhou, y.; yao, z.; fu, l.; he, k.; hao, j.. historical evaluation of vehicle emission control in guangzhou based on a multi-year emission inventory. atmospheric environment 2013, 76: 32-42.
67. wang, x.*; liu, h.; pang, j.; carmichael, g.; he, k.; fan, q.; zhong, l.; wu, z.; zhang, j.. reductions in sulfur pollution in the pearl river delta region, china: assessing the effectiveness of emission controls. atmospheric environment 2013, 76: 113-124.
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