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1998.09 – 2002.06      清华大学    环境科学与工程系    环境工程学士

2002.09 – 2003.06      斯坦福大学    土木与环境工程系    土木与环境工程硕士

2003.06 – 2005.09      斯坦福大学    土木与环境工程系    土木与环境工程 degree of engineer

2011.10 – 2014.11      剑桥大学   工程系    环境工程博士


2015.11 – 今               清华大学    环境学院    准聘/长聘副教授、博导

2006.04 – 2015.11      parsons公司    注册工程师、项目经理

2005.10– 2006.04      美国加州东湾水利局    实习工程师


现任soil use and management(影响因子2.95)主编
现任science of the total environment(影响因子7.96)副主编
曾任journal of hazardous materials(影响因子9.04)副主编
现任critical reviews in environmental science and technology、environmental pollution、remediation journal编委;journal of environmental sciences青年编委;曾任environment international、chemical engineering journal、bioresource technology、 chemosphere等客座编辑
中国水利学会地下水科学与工程专委会委员;中国质量检验协会水环境工程技术与装备专家委员;英国土壤学会理事(council member);中国土壤学会国际合作与交流工作专委会委员;中国土壤学会土壤环境专委会委员;中国土壤学会土壤修复专委会委员
nature sustainability,est, jhm, ei等50余个sci期刊审稿人










2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,汞砷镉复合污染农田土壤生物地球化学过程及风险阻抗机理研究,2021-2024,项目负责人

3. 国家重大专项,京津冀地下水污染防治关键技术研究与工程示范-典型污染场地地下水污染防治关键技术研究与工程示范,2018-2020年,课题负责人;

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,氯代烃污染土壤修复过程中相间非平衡态空间迁移机理研究,2017-2020,项目负责人;

5. 世界银行全球环境基金-环保部对外合作中心项目,中国履行《关于汞的水俣公约》能力建设-陕西省原生汞矿选冶污染地块风险管理框架制定项目,2019-2021,项目负责人;

6. 公共卫生与健康学科交叉科研项目,全球土壤退化与新冠疫情耦合作用对粮食生产的影响及其健康效应,2022-2023,项目负责人;

7. 地下水环境调查评估地下水污染数值模拟分析,2021-2022,项目负责人;

8. 油库污染地下水自然衰减与强化修复技术研究,2021-2023,任务负责人;

9. “十三五”土壤污染治理与修复成效综合评估,2021-2022,项目负责人;

10. 全国土壤污染状况调查数据统计分析,2021年,项目负责人

11. 某电子废物堆积污染场地修复效果评估,2021-2022,任务负责人

12. pops污染场地监测、修复与管理对策研究咨询,2020-2021,任务负责人

13. 全国土壤污染防治工作第三方审视评价,2019-2020年,项目负责人;

14. 土壤集中处置中心建设工程可行性研究,2019-2020,项目负责人

15. 全国土壤污染状况详查-重点行业企业用地调查样本地块选择及结果应用方法研究,2019年,项目负责人;

16. 全国农用地土壤污染状况详查成果集成协助服务,2019年,项目负责人;

17. 世界银行全球环境基金-环保部对外合作中心项目,中国履行《关于汞的水俣公约》能力建设-湖南省原生汞矿选冶污染地块风险管理框架制定项目,2019-2020,项目负责人;

18. 国家环境保护标准项目,《污染地块风险管控实施技术导则》制定,2018-2019年。协作单位负责人;

19. 世界银行全球环境基金-环保部对外合作中心项目,《污染地块修复后长期管理技术指南》及《污染地块修复环境社会管理计划技术指南》编制,2018-2019年,项目负责人;

20. 污染场地安全修复技术国家工程实验室开发基金资助项目,汞复合污染土壤稳定化技术与长效性评估研究,2017-2018年,主持;

21. 全国土壤污染状况详查-重点行业企业用地土壤污染状况调查技术支撑,2017-2020年,主持;

22. 环境保护部土壤环境管理司委托项目,污染场地修复责任链及绿色可持续修复实施案例研究,2017-2018年,主持;

23. 中国环境保护产业协会委托项目,《污染场地绿色可持续修复通则》制定,2016-2018,主持;

24. 环境保护部环境规划院技术支撑能力建设项目,场地绿色修复管理框架及网络平台设计,2016,主持;

25. 澳门特别行政区环境保护局委托项目,土壤环境质量标准深化研究,2016-2017,主要参与;

26. 教育部战略研究项目,土壤及地下水污染防治科技创新战略研究,2016,主要参与;

27. 安乡地下水资源保护区划技术服务项目。2017-2018。主持。

28. 智能高效污染土壤修复机械装备开发pg麻将胡了模拟器链接的技术支持。2016-2020。主持。

29. 清华大学人才引进支撑项目。2015-2016。主持。

30. 中国-挪威国际合作项目,针对土壤污染及气候变化的可持续土壤管理。2017-2020年。主要参与。





2020 environmental science and technology best paper awards, 2021, es&t杂志









1. o’connor, d. (*), hou, deyi (*), manage the environmental risks of perovskites. one earth. 2021. 4: 1534-1537. 链接:


2. hou, deyi (*), sustainable remediation in china: elimination, immobilization, or dilution. environmental science & technology. 2021. 55: 15572–15574.

3. jin, y., wang, l., song, y., zhu, j., qin, m., wu, l., hu, p., li, f., fang, l., chen, c., hou, deyi (*), integrated life cycle assessment for sustainable remediation of contaminated agricultural soil in china. environmental science & technology, 2021. 55:12032-12042.

4. wang, l. (#), li, p. (#), zhang, q., wu, w., luo, j., hou, deyi (*), modeling the conditional fragmentation-induced microplastic distribution. environmental science & technology. 2021. 55:6012-6021.

5. qi, s. (#), wang, y. (#), wang, l., luo, j., hou, deyi (*). impact of atmospheric pressure fluctuations on nonequilibrium transport of volatile organic contaminants in the vadose zone: experimental and numerical modeling. water resources research, 2021. 57:e2020wr029344.

6. zhu, j., song, y., wang, l., zhang, z., gao, j., tsang, d.c.w., ok, y.s., hou, deyi (*), green remediation of benzene contaminated groundwater using persulfate activated by biochar composite loaded with iron sulfide minerals. chemical engineering journal, 2021. 429:132292.

7. shen, z., zhang, z., zhang, m., rinklebe, j., ma, y., hou, deyi (*), effect of production temperature and particle size of rice husk biochar on mercury immobilization and erosion prevention of a mercury contaminated soil, journal of hazardous materials, 2021, 420:126646.

8. wang, l., jin, y., weiss, d.j., schleicher, n.j., wilcke, w., wu, l., guo, q., chen, j., o'connor, d., hou, deyi (*). possible application of stable isotope compositions for the identification of metal sources in soil. journal of hazardous materials. 2021. 407:124812


1. hou, deyi, o'connor, d., igalavithana, a., alessi, d.s., luo, j., tsang, d.c.w., sparks, d.l., yamauchi, y., rinklebe, j., ok, y.s. (*), metal contamination and bioremediation of agricultural soils for food safety and sustainability. nature reviews earth & environment, 2020. 1:366-381. 链接:

2. o'connor, d., hou, deyi (*), ok, y.s., lanphear, b.p., the effects of iniquitous lead exposure on health. nature sustainability. 2020, 3:77-79. 链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-020-0475-z

3. wang, l., o'connor, d., rinklebe, j., ok, y.s., tsang, d.c.w., shen, z., hou, deyi (*). biochar aging: mechanisms, physicochemical changes, assessment, and implications for field applications. environmental science and technology. 2020. 54: 14797–14814.

4. qi, s., luo, j., o'connor, d., cao, x., hou, deyi (*). influence of groundwater table fluctuation on the non-equilibrium transport of volatile organic contaminants in the vadose zone. journal of hydrology. 2020. 580:124353.

5. jia, x., hou, deyi (*), wang, l., o'connor, d., luo, j., the development of groundwater research in the past 40 years: a burgeoning trend in groundwater depletion and sustainable management. journal of hydrology. 2020. 587:125006.

6. wang, l., hou, deyi (*), shen, z., zhu, j., jia, x., ok, y.s., tack, f.m.g., rinklebe, j., field trials of phytomining and phytoremediation: a critical review of influencing factors and effects of additives. critical reviews in environmental science and technology. 50:2724-2774.

7. jia, h., hou, deyi (*), o'connor, d., pan, s., zhu, j., bolan, n.s., mulder, j., exogenous phosphorus treatment facilitates chelation-mediated cadmium detoxification in perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.). journal of hazardous materials. 2020. 389:121849.

8. wang, l., li, x., tsang, d.c.w., jin, f., hou, deyi (*). green remediation of cd and hg contaminated soil using humic acid modified montmorillonite: immobilization performance under accelerated ageing conditions. journal of hazardous materials. 2020. 387:122005.


1. hou, deyi, ok, y.s. (*), speed up mapping of soil pollution, nature. 2019, 566:455-455. 链接:

2. hou, deyi (*), o’connor, d., sonne, c., ok, y.s. (*), trade war threatens sustainability. science. 2019. 364:1242-1243. 链接:

3. hou, deyi (*), luo, j. (*), proof-of-concept modeling of a new groundwater sampling approach. water resource research. 2019. 55:5135-5146.

4. shen, z., jin, f., o'connor, d., hou, deyi (*), solidification/stabilization for soil remediation: an old technology with new vitality. environmental science and technology. 2019. 53:11615-11617.

5. o'connor, d., hou, deyi (*), ok, y.s., mulder, j., duan, l., wu, q., wang, s., tack, f.m.g., rinklebe, j., mercury speciation, transformation, and transportation in soils, atmospheric flux, and implications for risk management: a critical review. environment international. 2019. 126: 747-761.  

6. shen, z., zhang, j., hou, deyi (*), tsang, d., ok, y.s., alessi, d., synthesis of mgo-coated corncob biochar and its application in lead stabilization in a soil washing residue. environment international. 2019, 122: 357-362.

7. jin, y., o'connor, d., ok, y.s., tsang, d., liu, a., hou, deyi (*), assessment of sources of heavy metals in soil and dust at children’s playgrounds in beijing using gis and multivariate statistical analysis. environment international. 2019. 124: 320-328.

8. zhang, y., hou, deyi (*), o'connor, d., shen, z., shi, p., ok, y.s., tsang, d., wen, y., luo, m., lead contamination in chinese surface soils: source identification, spatial-temporal distribution and associated health risks. critical reviews in environmental science and technology. 2019, 49:1386-1423..


1. hou, deyi (*), ding, z., li, g., wu, l., hu, p., guo, g., wang, x., ma, y., o'connor, d., wang, x., a sustainability assessment framework for agricultural land remediation in china. land degradation & development. 2018, 29:1005-1018.

2. hou, deyi (*), yinan song, junli zhang, min hou, o'connor, d., melissa harclerode, climate change mitigation potential of contaminated land redevelopment: a city-level assessment method. journal of cleaner production. 2018, 171:1396-1406.

3. o'connor, d., hou, deyi (*), ye, j., zhang, y., ok, y.s., song, y., coulon, f., peng, t., tian, l., lead-based paint remains a major public health concern: a critical review of global production, trade, use, exposure, health risk, and implications. environmental international. 2018, 121:85-101.

4. zhang, p., hou, deyi (*), o'connor, d., li, x., pehkonen, s., varma, r., wang, x. green and size-specific synthesis of stable fe-cu oxides as earth-abundant adsorbents for malachite green removal. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering. 2018, 6:9229-9236.

5. shen, z., hou, deyi (*), xu, w., zhang., j., jin, f., zhao, b., pan, s., peng, t., alessi, d., assessing long-term stability of cadmium and lead in a soil washing residue amended with mgo-based binders using quantitative accelerated ageing. science of the total environment. 2018, 643: 1571-1578.

6. zhang, y., hou, deyi (*), xiong, g., duan, y., cai, c., wang, x., li, j., tao, s., liu, w. (*) structural equation modeling of pahs in ambient air, dust fall, soil, and cabbage in vegetable bases of northern china. environmental pollution. 2018, 239:13-20.

7. o’connor, d., peng, t., zhang, j., tsang, d.c.w., alessi, d.s., shen, z., bolan, n.s., hou, deyi (*), biochar application for the remediation of heavy metal polluted land: a review of in situ field trials. science of the total environment. 2018, 619-620: 815-826.

8. zhao, b. 1, o’connor, d. 1, zhang, j., peng, t., shen, z., tsang, d.c.w., hou, deyi (*), effect of pyrolysis temperature, heating rate, and residence time on rapeseed stem derived biochar. journal of cleaner production. 2018, 174:977-987.


1. hou, deyi (*), o'connor, d., nathanail, p., tian, l., ma, y., integrated gis and multivariate statistical analysis for regional scale assessment of heavy metal soil contamination: a critical review. environmental pollution. 2017, 231:1188-1200.

2. hou, deyi (*), qi, s., zhao, b., rigby, m., o'connor, d., incorporating life cycle assessment with health risk assessment to select the ‘greenest’ cleanup level for pb contaminated soil. journal of cleaner production. 2017, 162:1157-1168.

3. qi, s., hou, deyi (*), luo, j. (*), optimization of groundwater sampling approach under various hydrogeological conditions using a numerical simulation model. journal of hydrology. 2017, 552:505-515.  

4. hou, deyi (*) and al-tabbaa, a., sustainability: a new imperative in contaminated land remediation, environmental science and policy, 2014, 39: 25-34.  

5. hou, deyi (*), luo, j., and al-tabbaa, a., shale gas can be a double edged sword for climate change, nature climate change, 2012, 2 (6): 385-387. 链接:

6. hou, deyi (*), al-tabbaa, a., guthrie, p., and watanabe, k. sustainable waste and materials management: national policy and global perspective, environmental science and technology, 2012, 46 (5): 2494−2495.

7. hou, deyi (*), vision 2020: more needed in materials reuse and recycling to avoid land contamination, environmental science and technology, 2011, 45 (15), 6227-6228.

8. hou, deyi, rabinovici, s. j., boehm, a. b. (*). enterococci predictions from partial least squares regression models in conjunction with a single-sample standard improve the efficacy of beach management advisories. environmental science and technology. 2006, 40 (6): 1737  1743.
